The product “Kazuhiro” is a fun game which provides the consumer with options to create their own cards, custom decks, and custom lobbies for their friends. It also provides a relaxing design and marvelous functionality through an easy web-access which is built upon React.JS.
The game “Kazuhiro” is an online card game based on “Cards Against Humanity”, but more advanced, with more features, custom gamemodes, and custom cards. For a fun experience.
The planned state is that players all around the world are able to enjoy a free, nice looking and working version of the online card game.
Our product is made to be used in a social environment; be it online or in person. Like all games, there is no use other than having fun with it.
Our target groups are persons with an interest in Card games which are older than 12.
When using our product we expect you to not maliciously damage the website by spamming list card/lobby creations or other features.
The benefit of our product is an advanced, also better “Cards against humanity” in terms of price, usability, accessibility and UI.
To use our game you only need a hardware device which has a usable web browser that supports JavaScript.
The purpose of your own Lobbies is to only play with your friends.
A deck is a group of cards which fit a certain category. Examples: “Absurd”, “Programming”, “Dad”, “World Wide” and more.
Never run out of possible Cards, be it White or Black Cards.
A gamemode, which can be activated for a lobby, makes the game more interesting and adds special game rounds.
Makes it possible to let the users vote for certain cards and increases the chance in winning the round.
Add some interesting and interactive elements to not bore the player while he/she is waiting for the other players to finish their turn.
Let the system save the best cards of a game round. We want to make use of it for machine learning to have predictions of the winning card, to have bots play, and analytics.
Over time new game modes / rules will be added to the game. Makes it more interesting and fun.
Just an essential theme.