linguine-node is a Node.js web server for use in the Linguine natural language processing workbench. The server presents a client-facing web interface, which allows users to upload, view, tag, and analyze text files. It communicates with a Python server with JSON messages, and presents the results on-screen to the user.
To add a new analysis or cleanup operation to this project:
- Add the operation to the correct list in assets/js/analysis/new.controller.js
- Create a visualizeOperation() function for the operation in assets/js/analysis/show.controller.js
- Add the operation as a case in the visualize() function in assets/js/analysis/show.controller.js
In assets/js/analysis/new.controller.js, add the operation into the analysisTypes, cleanupTypes, or tokenizerTypes list, depending on if the operation is an analysis, something to clean text, or something to tokenize the text into separate word tokens.
name: "Foo Bar",// The operation name to display to the user
unfriendly_name: "foobar", // The name of the operation identifier used in the Python operation builder
description: "A foo bar turns your text into a baz using a library." // A description of the operation to display to the user
Create a visualize function in assets/js/analysis/show.controller.js to display the results of the analysis operation.
$scope.visualizeFoobar = function() {
// DOM element #graph is the location on the page where visualizations can be placed
// Results of the analysis operation can be accessed at $scope.analysis.result
Add the visualization to the list of cases in assets/js/analysis/show.controller.js.
$scope.visualize = function () {
if ($scope.analysis.analysis === "tfidf" ) {
} else if ($scope.analysis.analysis == "wordcloudop") {
linguine-node assembles an HTTP request to send to the Python server. The request is assembled in routes/analysis.js. This is the template used for building the request.
"corpora_ids": ["12345"], //Collection of corpora to pipe into analysis
"cleanup": ['stopwords'], //Cleanup steps to add
"operation": "nlp-relation", //Type of analysis to be preformed
"tokenizer": "", //Tokenizer used (if required)
"library": "", //Library associated w/ analysis (if required)
"transaction_id": "", (Field to be populated by linguine-python)
"analysis_name": "Relation Extraction (Stanford CoreNLP)", //Name to display in text fields
"time_created": 1461342250445, //Used to calculate ETA of analyses
"user_id": "12345" //Unique identifier of user who created analysis
npm install
npm run ldap
bower install
gulp build
if you want watch enabled and unminified assets)npm start
To run tests:
npm install
bower install
npm test
export NODE_ENV=developent
sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g gulp
npm install
bower install
- During bower install, you may be asked to choose a version of
. choose the version required bylinguine-node
. gulp build
npm start
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and you should finally see the site up and running!