The following collection of scripts performs pre- and post-processing on patent data as part of the patent inventor disambiguation process. Raw patent data is obtained from Google Bulk Patent Download.
For a high-level overview of the patentprocessor toolchain, please see our technical report.
For a description of configuration of the patentprocessor toolchain, please see this technical report. Note that the current version of the code has been ported to Windows while the technical report references Mac OS X.
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There are several steps in the patentprocessor toolchain:
- Retrieve/locate parsing target
- Execute parsing phase
- Run preliminary disambiguations:
- assignee disambiguation
- location disambiguation
- Prepare input for inventor disambiguation
- Disambiguate inventors (external process)
- Ingest disambiguated inventors into database
The python-based preprocessor is tested on Windows 2012 R2 Standard; originally it was developed and tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and MacOSX 10.6, but has since been ported.
See the setup instructions in the wiki for details on how to setup an environment for running the patents processor.