The repository consists of an executable that implements Elias-Fano encoding and three types of Range Minimum Datastructures. See the project description in the PDF.
Compile the programm using the Makefile (call make Release
). You can then call the programm by the following way:
./ads_programm [pq|rmq] INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE
E.g., Predecessor:
>> ./ads_programm pd Experiments/predecessor_examples/predecessor_example_1.txt Experiments/pred_test1.txt
RESULT algo=pd name=patrick_steil time=2909 space=376000160
or Range Minimum Queries:
>> ./ads_programm rmq Experiments/rmq_examples/rmq_example_1.txt Experiments/rmq_test1.txt
RESULT algo=rmq name=patrick_steil time=2266 space=32000000