Update: Koa team member @niftylettuce released a logging package alternative at https://cabinjs.com!
NOTE: that you're reading the README of the version which targets Koa v2.x, if you want to read about the old 1.X version, switch to Tag 1.3.0.
Flexible log context and request logging middleware for koa using bunyan.
Inspired by koa-bunyan, koa-json-logger, bunyan-request, and others.
A primary goal of this module is to be as flexible as possible, while remaining relatively lightweight, leaving advanced functionality and customization the app.
const koa = require('koa');
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
const app = koa();
app.use(function (ctx, next) {
ctx.log.info('Got a request from %s for %s', ctx.request.ip, ctx.path);
return next();
node examples/simple.js | ./node_modules/.bin/bunyan -o short`
curl http://localhost:8000/
Server output:
07:50:14.014Z INFO koa: Got a request from ::1 for /
node examples/requests.js | ./node_modules/.bin/bunyan -o short
curl -H "X-Request-Id: 1234" http://localhost:8000/
Server output:
20:19:24.526Z INFO koa: --> GET / (req_id=1234)
GET / HTTP/1.1
req.header: {
"user-agent": "curl/7.30.0",
"host": "localhost:8000",
"accept": "*/*",
"x-request-id": "1234"
20:19:24.527Z INFO koa: <-- GET / 1ms (req_id=1234, duration=1, res.status=200, res.message=OK)
GET / HTTP/1.1
x-powered-by: koa
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
content-length: 11
req.header: {
"user-agent": "curl/7.30.0",
"host": "localhost:8000",
"accept": "*/*",
"x-request-id": "1234"
It is possible to skip logs from some endpoints with ignorePath
app.use(koaBunyanLogger.requestLogger({ ignorePath: ['/ping'] }))
To ensure that stack traces from request handling don't get logged in their raw non-JSON forms, you can disable the app's default error handler:
app.on('error', function () {});
- logger: bunyan logger instance or an object to pass to bunyan.createLogger()
Use an existing logger:
const bunyan = require('bunyan');
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
const appLogger = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'myapp',
level: 'debug',
serializers: bunyan.stdSerializers
Shortcut to create a new logger:
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
name: 'myapp',
level: 'debug'
durationField: Name of field to store request duration in ms
levelFn: Function which will be called with (status, err) and should return the name of a log level to be used for the response log entry. The default function will log status 400-499 as warn, 500+ as error, and all other responses as info.
updateLogFields: Function which will be called with a single argument, an object containing the fields (req, res, err) to be logged with the request and response message.
The function has the opportunity to add or remove fields from the object, or return a different object to replace the default set of fields. The function will be called using the koa 'this' context, once for the request and again for the response.
updateRequestLogFields: Function which will be called with a request fields object when logging a request, after processing updateLogFields.
updateResponseLogFields: Function which will be called with a response fields object when logging a response, after processing updateLogFields. It also receives a second argument, err, if an error was thrown.
formatRequestMessage: Function which will be called to generate a log message for logging requests. The function will be called in the context of the koa 'this' context and passed the request fields object. It should return a string.
formatResponseMessage: Same as formatRequestLog, but for responses.
Basic usage:
Add custom fields to include in request and response logs:
// Custom fields for both request and response
updateLogFields: function (fields) {
fields.authorized_user = this.user.id;
fields.client_version = this.request.get('X-Client-Version');
// Custom fields for response only
updateResponseLogFields: function (fields, err) {
if (err) {
fields.last_db_query = this.db.lastDbQuery();
Get X-Request-Id header, or if the header does not exist, generates a random unique id for each request.
- header: name of header to get request id from
- prop: property to store on context; defaults to 'reqId' e.g. this.reqId
- requestProp: property to store on request; defaults to 'reqId' e.g. this.request.reqId
- field: field to add to log messages in downstream middleware and handlers; defaults to 'req_id'
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
Or use a different header:
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
header: 'Request-Id'
By default, the request id will be accessible as this.reqId and this.request.reqId:
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
app.use(function (ctx) {
ctx.response.set('X-Server-Request-Id', ctx.reqId);
ctx.body = "Hello world";
Adds time(label)
and timeEnd(label)
methods to the koa
context, which records the time between the time() and
timeEnd() calls for a given label.
Calls to time() and timeEnd() can be nested or interleaved as long as they're balanced for each label.
- logLevel: name of log level to use; defaults to 'trace'
- updateLogFields: function which will be called with arguments (fields) in koa context; can update fields or return a new object.
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
app.use(function (ctx) {
ctx.time('get data');
return getUser()
.then(u => {
return getFriend(u)
.then(f => [u, f]);
.then(data => {
let user = data[0];
let friends = data[1];
ctx.timeEnd('get data');
ctx.body = serialize(user, friends);
The same but using async functions
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
app.use(async function (ctx) {
ctx.time('get data');
let user = await getUser();
let friends = await getFriend(user);
ctx.timeEnd('get data');
ctx.body = serialize(user, friends);
Example output:
{"name":"koa","hostname":"localhost","pid":9228,"level":10,"label":"get data","duration":102,"msg":"","time":"2014-11-07T01:45:53.711Z","v":0}
To return different fields, such as nesting the data under
a single field, add a updateLogFields
function to the options:
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
updateLogFields: function (fields) {
return {
request_trace: {
name: fields.label,
time: fields.duration
The internal copy of bunyan is exported as .bunyan
const koaBunyanLogger = require('koa-bunyan-logger');
const bunyan = koaBunyanLogger.bunyan;