Files related to netfilter like nftables, fail2ban and using blocklists
These files are initially made for my system: Raspberry Pi with Raspbian (Buster), and with
- IPv6 enabled
- a separate logfile, and tailored logging
- Fail2Ban (
- blocklist-with-nftables (, see there)
Upgrading to Buster left me saying goodbye to iptables, netfilter-persistent and ipset. I had to rebuild my previous firewall into nftables.
In /etc/nftables.conf I added include "/etc/nftables/include/*.nft"
In /etc/nftables/include/ I put filter.nft, with some additional rules to cater my system.
Instead of the fail2ban.conf I put my fail2ban.nft into /etc/nftables/. I implemented all other suggestions of
In /etc/rsyslog.conf I added in the Rules section :msg, contains, "Firewall" /var/log/firewall.log & stop and restarted rsyslog with ' sudo systemctl restart rsyslog'. Also I added the file firewall to /etc/logrotate.d. In /etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/iptables.conf I set the LogFile to /var/log/firewall.log.
Finally I did a 'sudo apt remove iptables ipset netfilter-persistent'.
!! Any comments or suggestions are welcome !!