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SPARQL Anything: open data from the Tate Gallery

This project includes examples using open data from the Tate Gallery collection.

In what follows, fx is java -jar sparql-anything-<version>.jar.

Extract artists

fx -q queries/artists.sparql -f TTL -o artists.ttl

Output excerpt from artists.ttl:

@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix fx:    <> .
@prefix dct:   <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix xyz:   <> .
@prefix tate:  <> .
@prefix tsub:  <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .

tate:artist-1218  a        schema:Person ;
        rdfs:label         "Greiffenhagen, Maurice" ;
        schema:birthDate   "1862" ;
        schema:birthPlace  "London, United Kingdom" ;
        schema:deathDate   "1862" ;
        schema:deathPlace  "London, United Kingdom" ;
        schema:gender      "Male" ;
        schema:url         "" .

tate:artist-10241  a       schema:Person ;
        rdfs:label         "Apóstol, Alexander" ;
        schema:birthDate   "1969" ;
        schema:birthPlace  "Barquisimeto, Venezuela" ;
        schema:deathDate   "1969" ;
        schema:deathPlace  "" ;
        schema:gender      "Male" ;
        schema:url         "" .

Extract artworks and subjects

fx -q queries/arts-and-subjects.sparql -f TTL -o arts-and-subjects.ttl

Build a SKOS taxonomy of subjects

fx -q queries/subjects-as-skos.sparql -f TTL -o subjects.ttl

Output (excerpt, see subjects.ttl):

@prefix fx:    <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix xyz:   <> .
@prefix tate:  <> .
@prefix skos:  <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix tsub:  <> .

tsub:852  a            skos:Concept ;
        rdfs:label     "condom" ;
        skos:broader   tsub:88 ;
        skos:inScheme  tsub:subjects .

tsub:2166  a           skos:Concept ;
        rdfs:label     "Caiaphas" ;
        skos:broader   tsub:134 ;
        skos:inScheme  tsub:subjects .

tsub:18356  a          skos:Concept ;
        rdfs:label     "New York, Rockefeller Center" ;
        skos:broader   tsub:0 ;
        skos:inScheme  tsub:subjects .

tsub:15852  a          skos:Concept ;
        rdfs:label     "Texel" ;
        skos:broader   tsub:111 ;
        skos:inScheme  tsub:subjects .

Generate a CSV list of subjects

fx -q queries/subjects-list.sparql -f CSV -o subjects.csv

Generate a CSV list of the subjects hierarchy

fx -q queries/subjects-hierarchy.sparql -f CSV -o hierarchy.csv

Generate a CSV of artworks + related subjects

fx -q queries/arts-and-subjects-list.sparql -f CSV -o arts-and-subjects-list.csv


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