Step by step examples on how to use React-Three-Fiber (r3f).
Please note these are small examples I'm still builing following React-Three-Fiber's examples.
These are not the offical librarys examples.
React-three-fiber official examples are good, but they are also huge.
Instead of building one big thing, I've made smaller step by step code examples when learning React-Three-Fiber.
It helped me :)
- 🌭 drei, useful helpers for react-three-fiber
- 💣 use-cannon, physics based hooks
- 🤳 react-xr, VR/AR controllers and events
- 📬 react-postprocessing, post-processing effects
- 🎮 gltfjsx, turns GLTFs into JSX components
- 🐻 zustand, state management
- ✌️ react-spring, a spring-physics-based animation library
- 👇 react-use-gesture, mouse/touch gestures
- 🧪 react-three-gui, GUI/debug tools
👾 basic Cannon → codesandbox.
👾 basic useGesture → codesandbox.
👾 basic particles → codesandbox
👾 glb → codesandbox.
👾 instancedMesh → codesandbox.
👾 dom → codesandbox.
👾 loading texture → codesandbox.
👾 shadermaterial → codesandbox.