N amount of points compete for the land. It is the war-free world therefore competition is more of a fare trade, not of an advantage overtake. Is it possible to have such model of the world at all?
docker-compose up --build -d && docker-compose exec fpm composer install
docker-compose exec fpm php simulate.php
docker-compose down
The output that works initially:
A: 6.16 A: 8.22 A: 4.10 A: 7.19 B: 8.23 . . .
A: 3.7 A: 1.1 A: 2.4 A: 5.13 B: 6.17 . . .
B: 3.8 B: 1.2 B: 2.5 B: 4.11 B: 5.14 B: 7.20 C: 8.24 .
C: 1.3 C: 2.6 C: 3.9 C: 4.12 C: 5.15 C: 6.18 C: 7.21 .
The issue of players attaching to the birthplace.
Player A is blocked, no player can make a move by interacting with the birthplace of other player first.
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I: 1.9 B: 1.2 F: 1.6 . . . . .
E: 1.5 A: 1.1 C: 1.3 . . . . .
H: 1.8 D: 1.4 G: 1.7 . . . . .
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To overcome the latest issue, compensation system (think - money, other benefits, etc.) has been introduced.
The player who cannot move anymore gets promoted by the 1 unit of compensation for each event of limitation.
The end result is - each player is considered to become equally happy by getting territory or compensation.
Here is how this looks like in action:
I:5.45 B:5.38 B:6.47 B:7.56 B:8.65 B:9.74 B:10.83 B:12.101
I:4.36 B:4.29 F:5.42 F:7.60 F:9.78 B:11.92 F:12.105 B:13.110
I:3.27 B:3.20 F:3.24 F:6.51 F:8.69 F:10.87 F:11.96 F:13.114
I:2.18 B:2.11 F:2.15 F:4.33 C:7.57 C:10.84 C:12.102 C:14.120
I:1.9 B:1.2 F:1.6 C:3.21 C:5.39 C:8.66 C:11.93 C:13.111
E:1.5 A:1.1 C:1.3 C:2.12 C:4.30 C:6.48 C:9.75 G:11.97
H:1.8 D:1.4 G:1.7 G:2.16 G:3.25 G:5.43 G:7.61 G:9.79
H:2.17 D:2.13 D:3.22 G:4.34 G:6.52 G:8.70 G:10.88 G:12.106
H:3.26 D:4.31 D:5.40 D:6.49 D:8.67 D:10.85 D:12.103 G:13.115
H:4.35 H:5.44 D:7.58 D:9.76 D:11.94 D:13.112 D:14.121 G:14.124
H:6.53 H:7.62 H:9.80 H:11.98 H:13.116 D:15.130 D:16.139 G:15.133
H:8.71 H:10.89 H:12.107 H:14.125 H:15.134 H:16.143 D:17.148 G:16.142
Player : Compensation
A : 16
B : 4
C : 3
D : 0
E : 16
F : 4
G : 1
H : 1
I : 12
In total (aka. GDP?): 57
The question is:
What should we do with the compensation now?
Also, the performance is slow.
The goal is to make The World of 3.600.000.000 (x) x 1.800.000.000 (y) in size (6.480. pixels in total) with players playing one game in at least 24 hours on my laptop.
Quite a lot to improve...