To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
AcceptCardSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AcceptCardSDK', '5.1.5'
And in the general settings of your project, under libraried and frameworks change the library from "Do not embed" to "Embed and Sign"
import the framework
import AcceptSDK
add the delegate to the class, and add the protocol stubs
class ViewController: UIViewController, AcceptSDKDelegate {
then create a constant
let accept = AcceptSDK()
then create the variables
// Replace this string with your payment key
let KEY: String = "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"
// Place your billing data here
// billing data can not be empty
// if empty, type in NA instead
let bData = [ "apartment": "",
"email": "",
"floor": "",
"first_name": "",
"street": "",
"building": "",
"phone_number": "",
"shipping_method": "",
"postal_code": "",
"city": "",
"country": "",
"last_name": "",
"state": ""
now call the function
do {
try accept.presentPayVC(vC: self, billingData: bData, paymentKey: KEY, saveCardDefault:
true, showSaveCard: true, showAlerts: true)
} catch AcceptSDKError.MissingArgumentError(let errorMessage) {
} catch let error {
and if you already have a saved token
do {
try accept.presentPayVC(vC: self, billingData: bData, paymentKey: KEY, saveCardDefault: true,
showSaveCard: false, showAlerts: true, token: "123", maskedPanNumber: "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234")
} catch AcceptSDKError.MissingArgumentError(let errorMessage) {
} catch let error {
what the parameters do
//Show the user whether or not he wants to save the card
showSaveCard: true
//Initially, the save card option is on or off
saveCardDefault: true
//either show the user some alerts on success / failure or not
showAlerts: true
you can use extra parameters such as
//for the color of the buttons
//for english langauge
isEnglish: false
//for arabic language
isEnglish: false
//used like this
try accept.presentPayVC(vC: self, billingData: bData, paymentKey: KEY, saveCardDefault: true,
showSaveCard: true, showAlerts: true, buttonsColor:, isEnglish: false)
AcceptCardSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.