A simple VimScript "Did you Mean..." plugin based on FZF. Based on my personal VimRC, now extracted to a standalone plugin
I personally use vim-plug, but this can probably be adapted to other systems
" Remember to add FZF and FZF.vim before this plugin
Plug 'penaz91/fzf_dym'
Let's imagine a situation where you have a folder with 3 similarly-named files: readme_1.txt
, readme_2.txt
, readme_3.txt
You want to give a quick glance to readme_2.txt
so you do:
$ nvim re<TAB><CR>
Your shell will probably complete the filename as readme_
, but it's too late. You pressed enter. Instead of creating a new file that is called readme_
, FZF-DYM will ask if you meant any of the existing files. After you select the file to read via FZF, you're set.
Don't want to read one of the existing files? Just press ESC and nvim will fall back to its default behaviour.