The Perfect framework has been divided into several repositories to make it easy for you to find, download, and install the components you need for your project:
Perfect - This repository contains the core PerfectLib and will continue to be the main landing point for the project
There are many components in the main Perfect Repo, that make up the comprehensive Perfect Toolkit. There are database drivers, utilities, session management, and authentication systems. All components are documented here.
PerfectTemplate - A simple starter project which compiles with the Swift Package Manager into a standalone executable HTTP server. This repository is ideal for starting on your own Perfect-based project
PerfectDocs - Contains all API reference-related material
PerfectExamples - All the Perfect example projects and documentation
StORM is a Swift ORM, written in Perfect. The list of supported databases will continue to grow and mature.
A collection of standalone servers written in Perfect, ready for deployment (with a little configuration on your part!)