Scripts for test deployment of Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) v2 on Linode
I use these scripts to be able to quickly deploy PMM Server and number of Database instances running test load for testing purposes.
To allow multiple deployments the same time the concept of "prefix" is used - instances which share prefix will be considered part of the same deployment. Prefixes which are substring of each other are not supported - ie do not use "test" and "test2" instead use "test1" and "test2" prefixes
This set of scripts relies on the installed and configured Linode-CLI to control services in your account
For controlling workloads on the specific nodes we use Linode StackScripts interface (for legacy purposes)
The scripts use the following environment variables for configuration
LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD - Root Password to set provitioning Linodes
PMM_PREFIX - Prefix to use for deployment
PMM_ADMIN_PASSWORD - Server to set for PMM Server while provisioning it and to use while provisioning workload clients
PMM_SERVER - The IP/Host Name of the PMM Server. Required by Scripts provisioning workloads for existing PMM Server Only
Additionally you can Optionally Set
PMM_IMAGE - Image of PMM Server to deploy
PMM_SERVER_TYPE - The Type of the Instance (Linode) to use for PMM Server Deployment
If these variables are not set defaults will be used.
clean_prefix.php - Deletes all linodes except PMM server matching given prefix. Very helpful when deploying many test workload nodes.
start_pmm_only.php - Starts PMM Server (latest GA, but you can easily change it)
start_tests.php - Starts configured tests for PMM Server which is already provisioned.
loadgen_manager.php - Uses Generic LoadGen script which is capable of spinning variaty of MySQL versions and different tests and their configuration.
pmm_demo.php - This deploys PMM Server and Full Demo, Currently consisting of PMM Server, 4 MySQL Nodes, 4 PostgreSQL Nodes and 3 load generator clients.