An AVR device, based on ATTiny85, to transmit a virtual wall signal for an iRobot Roomba
- /firmware
- Source for the ATTiny85 firmware
- /hardware
- Files describing the board layout, etc
- /christmas_tree_barrier
- Files describing the board layout for the Christmas tree barrier variation
- Raspberry Pi configured with BCM SPI enabled
- AVR-GCC installed
- Easiest way to get this is 'sudo apt-get install arduino'
- Either:
- A 6-position, dual-row IDC cable (recommended)
- Or jumpers to wire SPI bus of Raspberry Pi to the ISP pads on the finished board
- Order a board based on the files in
- Alternately, order one directly from OSH Park here:
- Purchase parts from Mouser electronics using the current BOM
- Use the ones with "mouser" in their filenames
- Assemble the board--parts are all marked on the silkscreen
- NB: The ISP header should not be soldered to the board--merely insert the header pins into the IDC cable and wedge the pins into the vias during programming
There are two methods to wire the board for programming:
Recommended way:
- Order my Raspberry Pi ISP board here:
- Assemble, and use an IDC cable as described above
Alternate way:
- Hook up the ISP pins on the assembled board to your Raspberry PI as follows:
- ISP Pin 1 --> Raspberry Pi Pin 21 (MISO)
- ISP Pin 2 --> Raspberry Pi Pin 17 (3.3V)
- ISP Pin 3 --> Raspberry Pi Pin 23 (SCK)
- ISP Pin 4 --> Raspberry Pi Pin 19 (MOSI)
- ISP Pin 5 --> Raspberry Pi Pin 15 (GPIO22)
- ISP Pin 6 --> Raspberry Pi Pin 25 (GND)
- Hook up the ISP pins on the assembled board to your Raspberry PI as follows:
Once wiring is accomplished:
- Execute the following on the Raspberry Pi command line
- cd firmware
- make fuse
- make install