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Pipeline for the generation of absolute copy number profiles from shallow whole genome sequencing data

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swgs-absolutecn pipeline

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Generate absolute copy number profiles from shallow whole genome sequencing data using a read depth normalised and allele frequency-anchored approach.

Detailed description

This pipeline implements a method for generating absolute copy number profiles from shallow whole genome sequencing data utilising a multi-stage fitting process to generate a set of read depth-normalised absolute copy number profiles. Copy number fits are generated in read count space using a modified implementation of QDNAseq on full read depth shallow whole genome BAM files. After which, a grid search of ploidy and purity values is performed to generate a matrix of potential absolute copy number profiles. The fitting of absolute copy number profiles includes an error function metric and a variant allele fraction anchoring process which assist in the selection of an optimal copy number fit.

The error function, clonality, which measures segment residual from integer state across the genome and is computed as mean absolute error (MAE), in which a lower value is suggestive of better confirmation to integer copy number states, and therefore a better absolute copy number profile. variant allele fraction achoring utilises the near-ubiquitous presence of somatic homozygous TP53 variants in high grade serous ovarian cancer as an anchoring point for a copy number fit. Experimentally validated TP53 allele fractions at homozygous sites are compared to an expected homozygous TP53 variant allele fraction, as determined by the copy number value of the segment overlapping the TP53 locus. The smaller absolute differences between the experimental and expected TP53 variant allele fractions is suggestive of a better fit. Minimisation of the clonality error function, expected-to-experimental TP53 distance, and manual review of fits allows for the selection of an optimal absolute copy number profile for a given sample.

The selected fits are subject to a calculation of power to detect copy number alterations, as described here, in which the read depth of a given sample is assessed against its selected ploidy-purity combination. This process both determines if 1) a sample has a sufficient number of reads to support the selected ploidy-purity combination and 2) an optimal target number of reads to perform sample-specific read down sampling. This process normalises the read depth between samples in a ploidy and purity dependent manner so that read variance across segments is consistent, while excluding samples which are not supported by a sufficient number of reads.

Samples passing all filtering criteria then undergo read downsampling to the specified target number of reads determined by the previous steps and absolute copy number profiles fitted at the ploidy-purity combination selected prior.

Table of contents


Reference genome

This pipeline is currently supports both hg19 and hg38 reference genomes by specifying the correct build in the configuration file config/config.yaml. Currently there are no checks in place for using files aligned to an unsupported reference genome or to check that reference genomes are correct.

Aligned read format

The pipeline accepts either BAM or CRAM files as the initial input, though it currently does not support the use of both concurrently. Users should specify the filetype in the config.yaml as either BAM or CRAM and provide a reference genome matching the one used in CRAM generation using the reference parameter in the config.yaml. If using the containerised implementation, it is recommended to place the reference genome within the input file directory to reduce unnecessary directory binding.

Using the CRAM implementation currently involves the decompresssion of CRAM files to BAM format as the underlying Rsamtools functions in QDNAseq will not load from CRAM. As such, the CRAM implementation will generate a larger diskspace footprint than the BAM implmenetation. The pipeline will currently remove decompressed BAMs once their required outputs are generated.

Pipeline setup

Step 1 Clone the repo

Clone this repository to your local system.

git clone
cd swgs-absolutecn/

Step 2 Installing environment

This pipeline can utilise either a conda environment or a containerised docker/singularity implementation to manage the software packages and dependecies.

  • For the conda implementation please make sure either mamba or conda are installed and available on your system. Our recommendation is to use micromamba or, ideally, the installed conda version should utilise the libmamba solver library as the required environment contains a large number of packages. See installing micromamba or conda.
  • For the docker/singularity implementation please make sure a compatible version of both snakemake and singularity are available on your system. See installing singularity and snakemake.

Conda environment

With conda or micromamba installed, from within the repository directory, run the script to generate a conda environment and install custom packages:

./ mamba


./ conda $HOME/miniconda/

If you are useing an existing conda installation, please use the conda installation directory relevant to your existing installation when running this section instead of $HOME/miniconda/ to correctly initialise the conda environment.

The newly installed environment can be activated using the following:

micromamba activate swgs-abscn


conda activate swgs-abscn

Singularity-based implementation

If singularity and snakemake are already available, the pipeline can be run using a container by running the following:

Set the input and output directories (these should match those specified in the config.yaml - see step 3)


and then set the singularity args variable

SIGBIND="--use-singularity --singularity-args \"--bind ${INPUTDIR},${OUTPUTDIR}\""

The containerised environment can be found on docker hub here phil9s/swgs-absolutecn

Step 3 Preparing the input files

Sample sheet

The workflow requires a single input file sample_sheet.tsv which is a tab-separated document detailing sample names, patient names, smoothing booleans, TP53 allele frequencies, and BAM file locations. Make sure that the BAM file paths are absolute and that sample and patient names are sensible (i.e. do not contain abstract characters or white space). The TPfreq column should only contain a float (range 0.00-1.00) or NA. The smooth column is boolean and should only contain either TRUE or FALSE. Optionally, users may provide precomputed or orthogonally generated sample ploidy and purity estimates using the precPloidy and precPurity fields but these are not required. Both precPloidy and prePurity can be provided seperately or together and samples do not need to have either field consistently, meaning one sample may have ploidy/purity estimate and others may not and the pipeline will only perform grid searches across the missing values (e.g In the example table below, a full gridsearch will occur for SAM1, no search performed for SAM2, only ploidy for SAM3, and only purity for SAM4).

The table below demonstrates the basic schema required and the workflow will validate this file prior to running.

PATIENT_ID SAMPLE_ID TP53freq smooth file precPloidy precPurity
PAT1 SAM1 0.45 TRUE /data/SAM1.bam NA NA
PAT1 SAM2 0.55 FALSE /data/SAM2.bam 2.4 0.75
PAT2 SAM3 NA FALSE /data/SAM3.bam NA 0.43
PAT2 SAM4 NA TRUE /data/SAM4.bam 3.2 NA

An example sample_sheet.tsv is included in this repository.


The config.yaml (config/config.yaml) contains the necessary information for the pipeline you wish to run. This includes the location of the samplesheet.tsv, bin size, project name, output directory, and filtering parameters.

Filtering parameters

Various filters for acceptable ploidy/purity combinations for fitting absolute copy number can be modified or disabled depending user requirements.

variable default function type values
af_cutoff 0.15 Maximum difference between expected and observed TP53 allele fraction float 0.0-1.0
use_seed "TRUE" Set whether to use seed_val to ensure CBS segmentation returns identical results string bool "TRUE","FALSE"
seed_val "9999" seed value used by use_seed string any string
filter_underpowered "TRUE" Set whether to filter ploidy/purity combinations without sufficent available read depth to support the given profile string bool "TRUE","FALSE"
ploidy_min 1.6 Minimum ploidy value for gridsearch - must be less than ploidy_max. Ignored for a sample if precPloidy is provided float 1.0-20.0
ploidy_max 8.0 Minimum ploidy value for gridsearch - must be greater than ploidy_min. Ignored for a sample if precPloidy is provided float 1.0-20.0
purity_min 0.15 Minimum purity value for gridsearch - must be less than purity_max. Ignored for a sample if precPurity is provided float 0.0-1.0
purity_max 1.0 Minimum purity value for gridsearch - must be greater than purity_min. Ignored for a sample if precPurity is provided float 0.0-1.0
filter_homozygous "TRUE" Set whether to filter ploidy/purity combinations with a proportion of homozygous loss greater than homozygous_prop string bool "TRUE","FALSE
homozygous_prop 10000000 Proportion of genome (in basepairs) at which to filter a ploidy/purity combination where filter_homozygous is "TRUE" integer minimum=0
homozygous_threshold 0.4 Threshold at which to assign homozygous loss to copy number segment counted by homozygous_prop float 0.0-0.99
genome "hg19" Name of reference genome with which to extract bins using QDNAseq bin annotations string "hg19","hg38"
filetype "BAM File type of input file - either a aligned BAM or CRAM file string "BAM","CRAM"
reference "" File path to the reference used in generation of CRAM files if using the filetype = "CRAM" option string file path

For most users, the default parameters should work well but in certain instances, these values should be modifed.

For example, if users are not generating a sufficent number of high quality absolute copy number profiles, setting filter_underpowered to "FALSE" will show a larger range of fits which, although statistically underpowered, could be correct for given sample.

Another use case would be samples where the general purity range is known, for example cell line or LCM data, where the expected purity is known to be ~1.0. As such setting purity_min to 0.95 would restrict ploidy/purity combinations to enforce this expectation.

Workflow management

profile config.yaml

The profile configs (cluster_config.yaml & config.yaml) (profile/*/*) contains the necessary information to configure the job submission parameters passed to a given workload manager (or lack thereof). This includes the number of concurrently sumbitted jobs, account/project name, partition/queue name, and default job resources (though these are low and should work on almost any cluster). This pipeline was primarily developed using the SLURM work load manager for job submission by snakemake. For individuals running on non-workload managed clusters, or utilising other workload managers, profiles are provided to allow for job submission with minimal configuration. Currently supported profiles are local, slurm, and pbs. These can be edited via the script described in the next section.

Updating the pipeline configuration

Environment-specific and pipeline-specific parameters need to be set for each run of this pipeline. While it is possible to manually edit the YAML files, a script has been provided to update the most frequently altered parameters programmatically. The script will iteratively list the parameter and its current value, asking for a user submitted new value should it be needed. If the value is already acceptable or does not need to be changed then an empty value (enter return without typing) will keep the current setting.

Run one of the following code for the profile you wish to update (typically both the pipeline configuration and one cluster configuration):

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
# Pipeline configuration
./ -c config
# Pipeline filters
./ -c filters
# workflow configuration
./ -c {slurm,pbs,local}

singularity users can run the following (whilst within the repository directory):

SIGCMD="singularity exec --bind "$(pwd -P)" docker://phil9s/swgs-absolutecn:latest $(pwd -P)"
# Pipeline configuration
$SIGCMD/ -c config
# Pipeline filters
$SIGCMD/ -c filters
# workflow configuration
$SIGCMD/ -c {slurm,pbs,local}

Running the pipeline

Step 4 Stage 1

Once the pipeline and cluster parameters have been set and the samplesheet is prepared, the first stage of the pipeline is ready to run. Be sure to update the profile path to match your cluster/server configuration.

Confirm the pipeline is configured correctly, run the first stage using the dry-run mode.

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
snakemake -n --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_1
# singularity
snakemake -n --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_1 ${SIGBIND}

If the previous step ran without error then run the following:

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
snakemake --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_1
# singularity
snakemake --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_1 ${SIGBIND}

Step 5 QC1

At the conclusion of stage 1, files and fits will be generated for all samples present in the samplesheet.tsv provided. This will include grid search-generated fits, copy number profile plots, and a QDNAseq RDS file containing the copy number fit data. This data is not immediately usable in downstream processes and fits must undergo quality control and fit selection, as samples may generate more than one viable copy number profile.


Prior to fit selection, a subset of samples may require smoothing of segments in order to be viable. Read the guide provided here to select and update which samples require smoothing here. Once the samplesheet.tsv has been updated with the new smooth values, rerun stage 1. Be sure to update the profile path to match your cluster/server configuration.

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
snakemake --profile profile/slurm/ -F all --snakefile stage_1
snakemake --profile profile/slurm/ -F all --snakefile stage_1 ${SIGBIND}

Fit selection

After running stage 1 with the appropraite smoothing values, copy number fits will have been generated for each sample. In most cases, multiple viable fits will have been selected for each sample and a semi-qualitative quality control process needs to be applied to select the best fitting solution or exclude a sample should no fit be good enough.

Follow the guide on fit selection here to perform quality control and update the {project}_fit_QC_predownsample.tsv file. Once this step has been performed and a single acceptable fit has been selected for each sample, proceed to stage 2.

Step 6 Stage 2

Provided quality control and fit selection was performed correctly, stage 2 of the pipeline can be performed which refits all copy number profiles using downsampled BAM files and the selected fits from stage 1. Be sure to update the profile path to match your cluster/server configuration.

As before, confirm the pipeline is configured correctly by running with the dry-run mode.

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
snakemake -n --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_2
# singularity
snakemake -n --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_2 ${SIGBIND}

and if the previous step ran without error then run the following:

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
snakemake --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_2
# singularity
snakemake --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_2 ${SIGBIND}

Downsampling only

In some instances, where ploidy and purity are provided from alternative sources, users may only want to perform the read depth normalisation step and not perform a gridsearch. In these cases, if all samples in the sample_sheet.tsv contain a valid precPloidy and precPurity values the processPrecomputed.R script can generate all the required output files to start stage 2 without needing to perform any gridsearch or select a ploidy/purity combination, and instead skip directly to read depth normalisation (via read downsampling) using the provied precPloidy and precPurity combination.

First, check all samples have valid precPloidy and precPurity values by running the following:

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
snakemake -n --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_1
# singularity
snakemake -n --profile profile/slurm/ --snakefile stage_1 ${SIGBIND}

This should return an error message stating all ploidy and purity values are precomputed - Run Rscript scripts/processPrecomputed.R and skip to stage_2. If this did not occur and stage 1 ran a dry-run then not all samples have a precPloidy and precPurity value specified.

Provided that the previous step validated and returned the specified message then the following can be run to generate the required output files to skip stage 1

# conda - with swgs-abscn env
Rscript scripts/processPrecomputed.R
# singularity
SIGCMD="singularity exec --bind "$(pwd -P)" --bind ${INPUTDIR},${OUTPUTDIR} docker://phil9s/swgs-absolutecn:latest"
$SIGCMD Rscript scripts/processPrecomputed.R

At which point Stage 2 can then be performed as previously described.

Output files

The final output is generated by stage 2 is three files located in the specified output directory {output_dir}/sWGS_fitting/{project}_{bin}kb/absolute_POST_down_sampling/abs_cn_rds/

  • *_ds_abs_fits.tsv - Tab-seperated file containing absolute copy number profile metadata and fitting information
  • *_ds_absCopyNumber.rds - QDNASeqmod class object containing binned copy number data in rds format
  • *_ds_absCopyNumber_segTable.tsv - A multisample segment table consisting of copy number segment coordinates and associated segment values as unrounded absolute copy number


  • Philip Smith (@phil9s)


Please cite this pipeline using the publication "The copy-number landscape of recurrent ovarian high grade serous carcinoma" Smith & Bradley et al. 2023 - Nature Communications and/or the version controlled zenodo repository 10.5281/zenodo.10040893.


Pipeline for the generation of absolute copy number profiles from shallow whole genome sequencing data



