PhotoDynamic Therapy Equipment Repository
The PDT device grants 2D cell culture irradiation by inserting different sorts of plates in its interior. The utilization is recommended for universities, schools, industries, and other research centers. It includes a dark chamber with its upper interior surface equipped with a set of 30 scattered Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) programmed to emit distinct spectrums of visible light. A homogeneous light incidence is established due to the low reflectivity of interior surfaces and uniform distribution of LEDs configuration.
- Federal University of Paraná
- Federal Institute of Paraná
- Federal Technological University of Paraná
- Glaucio Valdameri (1)
- Vivian Rotuno Moure Valdameri (1)
- Geraldo Picheth (1)
- Fabiane Gomes de Moraes Rego (1)
- Ademir Luiz do Prado (1, 2)
- Gustavo Barbosa Pires (1)
- Gustavo da Paz (1)
- Ingrid Fatima Zattoni (1)
- Isadora Zanzarini (1)
- Larissa de Oliveira Prado (1)
- Marcos Dinís Lavarda (2, 3)
- Waldemar Volanski (1)