“Frogs have it made, they get to eat what bugs them.” ― Anonymous
Ah... that should have been "for GH" but we're so lazy that we misspelt and didn't bother correcting.
Anyway, here's a collection of mixed-purpose components for Grasshopper - given "as is" (no warranty, no support) - use at your own risk (but know that we use them too... so they shouldn't explode at least).
froGH is a sparse collection of components born out of necessity or play in our daily Grasshopper experience. You might find them useful (or not). If you want to take a peek at the code, head for the src folder.
NOTE: no support is given so use at your own risk and understanding. Example files are on their way, meanwhile... if you mess things up using froGH, you're on your own.
On the other hand, if you have any ideas on how to improve things, please let us know at info[at]co-de-it.com - and feel free to improve upon it yourself, but play nice and give proper attribution (see license).
Download the latest .zip file from the releases. Unzip and copy the froGH.gha file in your Grasshopper/Libraries folder
. there are no bugs, only features! ;P Just kidding.... if you find something mail us
. Example files
. Documentation
froGH by Co-de-iT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Some of the code is from the amazing people in the Grasshopper community: David Rutten (the man himself), Giulio Piacentino (yeah, that other man), James Ramsden, Mateusz Zwierzycki, and Peter Fotiadis - these people are all named where their code was used in the various components. If you are one of them and think we did you a disservice, let us know how to attribute properly to you! Other than that.... the rest of the code is by us at Co-de-iT.
Co-de-iT 2017-2021 - www.co-de-it.com