This application is a clone of the original ushare for geexbox. Airushare adds the functionality to play music from a shairport pipe. With this function a lightweight apple airplay to upnp/dlna bridge can be easily made with just 2 tools.
Shairport has the ability to send audio through a pipe. This data is picked up by airushare and can then be transmitted to upnp receivers.
The data from the shairport pipe is lpcm encoded and I found that many player cannot handle this format. This is the reason that a wav header is placed in front of the data. To send the right amount of data and prevent under/overflows in shairport a timer makes sure the right amount of data is sent to the receiver.
create an audio pipe: mkfifo /tmp/music/airplay.wav
start shairport: shairport -v -m tinysvcmdns -a AirplayBridge -o pipe -- /tmp/music/Airplay.wav &
unblock the pipe: cat /tmp/music/airplay.wav
start airushare: ushare -v -n AirplayBridge -c /tmp/music &
select "AirplayBridge" as airplay target on you're iphone
select airplay.wav on your upnp/dlna media player