Port of the GUI library tkinter for Brython.
The initial plan was to include it in the Brython standard distribution.
The adaptation of all tkinter widgets was either very difficult for some widgets (eg Text), or impossible in the browser environment (blocking dialog boxes).
For these reasons, the package is removed from Brython and created as a distinct repository in case other developers wanted to resume its development.
Add this script in a Brython-enabled HTML page to run the current development version:
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/PierreQuentel/tkinter/master/tkinter/tkinter.brython.js"></script>
Developers can generate this script with the CPython Brython package available with
pip install brython
Then, in a console window, navigate to the local repository in the subfolder "tkinter" and run
brython-cli --make_package tkinter