I am an assistant professor at Inha University. Before joining it, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Yonsei University. In the past, I collaborated as a visiting researcher with the video understanding team at CLOVA AI research, Naver Corporation. Also, I was fortunate to work as a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia. I received a Ph.D. degree from Yonsei University and a B.S. degree from Chung-Ang University. My research interests include computer vision, video understanding, multimodal learning, and weakly-supervised learning.
- P Lee† and H Byun "BAM-DETR: Boundary-Aligned Moment Detection Transformer for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos", ECCV, 2024.
- K Hong, S Jeon, J Lee, N Ahn, K Kim, P Lee, D Kim, Y Uh, and H Byun "AesPA-Net: Aesthetic Pattern-Aware Style Transfer Networks", ICCV, 2023.
- S Jeon, B Liu, P Lee, K Hong, J Fu, and H Byun "Improving Diversity in Zero-Shot GAN Adaptation with Semantic Variations", ICCV, 2023.
- P Lee, T Kim, M Shim, D Wee, and H Byun "Decomposed Cross-modal Distillation for RGB-based Temporal Action Detection", CVPR, 2023.
- S Park, J Lee, P Lee, S Hwang, D Kim, and H Byun "Fair Contrastive Learning for Facial Attribute Classification", CVPR, 2022.
- P Lee and H Byun. "Learning Action Completeness from Points for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization", ICCV, 2021. (Oral)
- S Jeon, K Hong, P Lee, J Lee, and H Byun. "Feature Stylization and Domain-aware Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization", ACM MM, 2021. (Oral)
- P Lee, J Wang, Y Lu, and H Byun. "Weakly-supervsied Action Localization by Uncertainty Modeling", AAAI, 2021.
- P Lee, Y Uh, and H Byun. "Background Suppression Network for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization", AAAI, 2020. (Spotlight)
The full list can be found here.
- C/C++
- Python
- OpenCV
- Tensorflow
- Pytorch