Discordbot is ment to act like a base for your own custom discord bot. You can more or less just grab an application token from discord and pull a copy of this repository and you're good to go(see installation section). It can easily be expanded with static commands as well as more complex module-based commands.
Node.js 6.0.0 is required by the discord.js library which Discordbot is depending on to handle the API calls for discord.
- Create a discord app through the developer site over at discordapp.com. Take notice of both the Client ID and the Token ID, you will need them later.
- Clone a copy of this repository. (With git you can just issue the git clone command at desired folder git clone https://github.com/pintapoff/discordbot.git)
- Rename config.json.template found in the project root folder to config.json and update it with the application-token you can find at the first step.
- Add your application(bot) to your discord server by following this link. IMPORTANT!! change the INSERT_CLIENT_ID to your actual Client Id found at the first step IMPORTANT!! https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=INSERT_CLIENT_ID&scope=bot&permissions=0
- Install the dependencies needed by running the command npm install from the project root folder.
- Fire it up with npm start or simply node index.js
Tailoring your bot with your own commands are really easy, there are two types of commands.
to be continued....
to be continued....