Simple To-Do-List using clojure as primary language, and json as a way to store data of the API.
To use this API:
;;First you need install all dependencies that we required to run this API,
lein deps
;;In second you need run lein
lein run
when you run the command "lein run", you can use localhost:3000 to access the API
GET /users/
- This route return all stored users in users.json file
GET /users/{UUID}
- This route return all informations of user with uuid established
PUT /users/{UUID}
- This route can change name of user if exist, you have to send a body, like
POST /users/
- This route can create a user, you have to send a body with name, like
DELETE /users/{UUID}
- This route can delete the user specified if exist
GET /tasks/
- This route return all stored tasks in tasks.json file
GET /tasks/{UUID}
- This route return all informations of task with uuid established
PUT /tasks/{UUID}
- This route can change name of task if exist, you have to send a body, like
POST /tasks/
- This route can create a task, you have to send a body, like
DELETE /tasks/{UUID}
- This route can delete the task specified if exist