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Trace your scripts in an opinionated way

General Usage

  1. start a trace export TRACEPARENT="$(trace start "some-name")
  2. start groups: group=$(trace group start "some-name")
  3. run processes inside a group: trace task "${group}" -- some command here
  4. finish the group trace group finish "${group}"
  5. finish the trace trace finish


By default, traces are send to localhost:4317 using gRPC in OTLP protocol. This can be overridden using the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT or OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT environment variables. Additionally, headers can be sent to the OTLP backend by setting the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS value (a csv of key=value pairs.)

For example, to send traces to Honeycomb's gRPC endpoint:

export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS="x-honeycomb-team=your-api-key"


Groups are optional, and can be as deeply nested as you like. If you don't explicitly set the parent of a group (second argument), it will default to the span in the TRACEPARENT environment variable.

docker=$(trace group start "docker")
  push=$(trace group start "push" "${docker}")

    trace task "${push}" --  docker push --quiet "${mycontainer}:${mytag}"
    trace task "${push}" --  docker push --quiet "${mycontainer}:latest"

  trace group finish "${push}"
trace group finish "${docker}"


Everything supports parallelism. For example, these 3 tasks run in parallel, all parented to the same group:

push=$(trace group start "push")

  trace task "$push" --  sleep 2s &
  trace task "$push" --  sleep 10s &
  trace task "$push" --  sleep 5s &


trace group finish "${push}"

The only action to be careful with is adding attributes to a single group in parallel:

push=$(trace group start "push")

  ## the attributes on the "push" group are not guaranteed now:
  trace attr "${push}" first=true second=nope third=false &
  trace attr "${push}" first=one second=true third=false &
  trace attr "${push}" first=two second=two third=true &

trace group finish "${push}"


For examples, start the docker-compose.yml file in the repo root, then go to one of the example directories and try a script:

docker-compose up -d

cd example/basic
