Persian Engine (codename Black Kitten) is a game engine developed by Pooya Eimandar in 2010, in order to use on Microsoft Windows Platforms and It is adapted for a range of video game genres. The engine used by BaziPardaz ( An indie game studio ) in order to create game and simulator. Persian Engine uses DirectX 9 and Microsoft XNA 4 and the Editor of Game Engine developed based on WPF.
- Windows Xp Sp3 and later versions
- Physics engine Integrated (Jitter physics).
- Triangle picker
- Usage reporter for system
- Light pre pass rendering.
- Animation Mixer (Mix, Inversing and blending animation clips for each skinned character).
- Dynamic types of Light (point, spot and Directional).
- Dynamic cascaded shadow mapping
- Dynamic skyDome
- bump, specular, glow and environment mapping.
- Post processing and post effects such as types of Blur, Bloom, Glow, HDR, Negative and etc
- Ambient Scattering
- Particle System
- Transparency
- GPU Billboards
- Hardware static Instancing
- Event manager
- Cut scene manager
- Input manager ( supporting mouse, keyboard, gamepad and Microsoft Kinect)
- Types of camera (First person camera, chase camera, static, following curve)
- Integrated With XAML and supports real time editor
- Runtime content pipeline for editor (Integrated with MSBuild and Xna ContentPipeline)
- Extended math helper
- Visual Studio 2010 or later version
- DirectX June 2010 SDK - ""
- Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.7- If you need to use Kinect as input - ""
- XNA framework 4
Open BlackKitten.sln and press F5, also you can use the engine from the following path: "~\BlackKitten\BlackKitten\PersianEditor\PersianEditor\bin\x86\Debug\PersianEditor.exe"