Batch image compression, conversion and other tools; with continuous search options.
Compressto works from the command line. Example as follows:
compressto.exe --dir_from="source_folder" --dir_to="destination_folder" --quality=50 --format=jpg --str_del="Hello" --str_put="GoodBye"
The above script will convert the images from "source_folder" and convert them into .jpg files in the "destination_folder" at 50% of quality while renaming parts of their filenames. Such as:
source_folder | destination_folder |
HelloWorld.png | GoodByeWorld.jpg |
DontSayHello.png | DontSayGoodBye.jpg |
IhateMyself.png | IhateMyself.jpg |
You can use multiple flags as parameters in order to work with Compressto. Here's a list of said flags:
Flag | Type | Default | Description |
-h, --help | - | - | Brings up the help message. |
--dir_from | String | "" | The directory where the original images are. |
--dir_to | String | "" | The directory where you want to save your converted images. |
--quality | Int | 90 | The quality of your converted image between 0-100. Lower quality results in smaller file sizes. |
--format | String | "jpg" | The extension of the resulting images. Currently tested with 'jpg' and 'png'. Files with 'jpg' extension tend to be smaller in size. |
--match | String | "" | A substring that must exist in the name of a file in order to be converted. If unused, all the files in the --dir_from will be converted. |
--str_del | String | "" | A substring you want to remove from the filename. |
--str_put | String | "" | A substring to replace --str_del with. |
--delete | Boolean | False | Whether you want to delete the original files once conversion is complete or not. |
--infinite | Boolean | False | Enables constant scanning on the source folder. If enabled, program must be terminated manually. |
--interval | Int | 60 | The time interval (in seconds) in which the program will scan for images if the --infinite flag is enabled. |
--hide | Boolean | False | Hides the program's console window. If the --infinite flag is enabled, then the program must be terminated from the Task Manager or other methods. |
--verbose | Boolean | True | If disabled, the program won't output any text. |