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PostalElf edited this page Sep 5, 2013 · 3 revisions

Stellar Politics is a strategic role-playing game where the player takes on the identity of a leader of a Merchant House within an intergalactic Empire. The game is won when the entire galaxy is either a vassal or a puppet under the control of the House. Use your Espionage Agents to sow discord and incite rebellion within a city, then use your Military Agents to lead them to victory and overthrow the government so that you can install a pawn of your own. Once the dust settles, use your Diplomatic Agents to smooth things over and make the planet's neighbours an offer: gold in one hand, and a sword in the other.

However, this is easier said than done. Your reputation is a resource as valuable as the silk and gold in your ships: move too openly against any planet, fail in your attempt to sabotage the planet's reactors, or make a social faux pas, and your agents may very well find themselves rendered ineffective as social invitations, talkshow appearances and guest speaker positions are withdrawn.


Starmap Generation