Expense Tracker is a web application that allows you to manage and track your expenses. You can add, delete, and categorize your expenses, view them in a list, and see visualizations of your spending habits over different time frames.
You can try the live demo of the Expense Tracker here: Live Demo
- Add, delete, and categorize expenses.
- View expenses in a list.
- Visualize expenses over different time frames (week, month, year).
- User-friendly and responsive design.
Expense Tracker uses state management techniques to keep track of the expenses and update the user interface dynamically. It efficiently manages the state of the application, ensuring that the user's interactions with the app are reflected accurately.
Expense Tracker leverages visualization libraries and techniques to provide meaningful insights into your spending habits. It uses Chart.js to create interactive charts that visually represent your expenses over different time frames, making it easier to understand your financial data.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
You need a web browser to open the HTML file.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/YourUsername/Expense-Tracker.git