Inkverse is a dynamic and interactive blogging platform that allows users to create, explore, and engage with a diverse range of content. From seamless user authentication to a rich array of features, Inkverse offers a comprehensive blogging experience.
User Authentication:
- Users can sign up using email/password or their Google account.
- Secure login functionality enables access to personal profiles and blog creation.
Blog Management:
- Logged-in users can create, update, and delete their blogs effortlessly.
- Image support is integrated for visually engaging content creation.
Explore Page:
- The Explore page showcases a collection of all published blogs for users to peruse.
- Users can sort blogs by views, likes, alphabetical order, and chronological order (newest/oldest).
- Search functionality allows users to find specific blogs based on titles or tags.
Interaction and Engagement:
- Users can like and comment on blogs, fostering community interaction.
- Encourages collaboration and discussions among users around shared interests.
- Supports both dark and light modes for user preference.
- Skeleton loading enhances user experience by providing visual placeholders during content loading.
- Implemented backend-driven pagination for efficient navigation through blog content.
- ReactJs
- Typescript
- Tailwindcss
- Redux toolkit for state management
- Axios library
- Formik and Yup library for form validation
- NodeJs
- ExpressJs
- MongoDB
- FireBase for Google Authentication
- JSON web token.
For inquiries, suggestions, or support regarding Inkverse, please contact me at