Read the original dwm documentation over at the official suckless website.
- Alpha - Enables transparency. Does require a third-party compositor installed like compton or xcompmgr.
- Attachaside - Make new clients get attached and focused in the stacking area instead of always becoming the new master.
- Custom bar (don't quite have the source) - Provides blank space to put your own bar using something like polybar or lemonbar.
- EWMHTags - Provides EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints) support which in turn enables third party status bars to display tags.
- PerTag - Keeps layout, mwfact, barpos and nmaster per tag.
- RotateStack - Stack rotation moves a client from the bottom to the top of the stack (or the other way round). This effectively rotates the clients by one position clockwise (or CCW, respectively).
- StatusPadding - Makes the amount of horizontal and vertical padding in the status bar into configurable options.
- VanityGaps - Enables gaps. Because why not?
Getting the perfect status bar was an issue because I quite frankly didn't like the look of the default status bar and setting up polybar was easier in i3 for me. But for someone who is looking for a bare-bones window manager which is dynamic (the d in dwm), dwm is a pretty good choice IMO if, you're okay with all the patching that comes with it. On a side note I would like to mention that as you apply more and more patches, some of them start breaking and you will have to apply further patches manually.