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1010 lines (842 loc) · 47.1 KB

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1010 lines (842 loc) · 47.1 KB

UPGRADING FROM v1.13.1 TO v1.13.2

  1. Due to a bug that was causing wrong calculation of available stock during completing a payment REF, The constructor of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\PaymentPreCompleteListener has been modified as follows:

     public function __construct(
     +   private OrderItemAvailabilityCheckerInterface|AvailabilityCheckerInterface $availabilityChecker,
     -   private AvailabilityCheckerInterface $availabilityChecker,

    If you have overwritten the service or its argument, check the correct functioning.

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.X TO v1.13.0


PHP 8.1 support

Sylius 1.13 comes with a bump of minimum PHP version to 8.1. We strongly advice to make upgrade process step by step, so it is highly recommended to update your PHP version while being still on Sylius 1.12. After ensuring, that the previous step succeeds, you may move forward to the Sylius 1.13 update.

Symfony support

The minimum supported version of Symfony 6 has been bumped up to 6.4. Sylius 1.13 supports both long-term supported Symfony versions: 5.4 and 6.4.

Price History Plugin

Starting with Sylius 1.13, the functionality of SyliusPriceHistoryPlugin is included in Core. If you are currently using the plugin in your project, we recommend following the upgrade guide located here.

Main update

To ease the update process, we have grouped the changes into the following categories:


  1. Starting with Sylius 1.13 we provided a possibility to use the Symfony Workflow as your State Machine. To allow a smooth transition we created a new package called sylius/state-machine-abstraction, which provides a configurable abstraction, allowing you to define which adapter should be used (Winzou State Machine or Symfony Workflow) per graph.

  2. The use of sylius/calendar package is deprecated in favor of symfony/clock package globally.

  3. The payum/payum package has been replaced by concrete packages like payum/core, payum/offline or payum/paypal-express-checkout-nvp. If you need any other component so far provided by payum/payum package, you need to install it explicitly.

Constructors signature changes

  1. The following AdminBundle constructor signatures have been changed:


    use Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManagerInterface;
    use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\MessageDispatcher\ResendOrderConfirmationEmailDispatcherInterface;
        public function __construct(
            OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository,
    -       OrderEmailManagerInterface $orderEmailManager,
    +       ResendOrderConfirmationEmailDispatcherInterface $orderEmailManager,
            CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager,
            RequestStack $requestStackOrSession,

    Starting from Sylius 2.0, the $orderEmailManager argument will be renamed to $resendOrderConfirmationEmailDispatcher.


    use Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManagerInterface;
    use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\MessageDispatcher\ResendShipmentConfirmationEmailDispatcherInterface;
        public function __construct(
            ShipmentRepositoryInterface $shipmentRepository,
    -       ShipmentEmailManagerInterface $shipmentEmailManager,
    +       ResendShipmentConfirmationEmailDispatcherInterface $shipmentEmailManager,
            CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager,
            RequestStack $requestStackOrSession,

    Starting from Sylius 2.0, the $shipmentEmailManager argument will be renamed to $resendShipmentConfirmationEmailDispatcher.


    use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface as DeprecatedClientInterface;
    use Http\Message\MessageFactory;
    use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
    use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface;
    use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;   
        public function __construct(
    -       DeprecatedClientInterface $client,
    +       ClientInterface $client,
    -       MessageFactory $messageFactory,
    +       RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory,
            string $hubUri,
            string $environment,
    +       StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory,


    use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
        public function __construct(
            UserImpersonatorInterface $impersonator,
            AuthorizationCheckerInterface $authorizationChecker,
            UserProviderInterface $userProvider,
    +       RouterInterface $router,
            string $authorizationRole,


    use Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManagerInterface as DeprecatedShipmentEmailManagerInterface;
    use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\ShipmentEmailManagerInterface;
        public function __construct(
    -       DeprecatedShipmentEmailManagerInterface $shipmentEmailManager,
    +       ShipmentEmailManagerInterface $shipmentEmailManager,
  2. The following AttributeBundle constructor signature has been changed:


    use Sylius\Component\Resource\Translation\Provider\TranslationLocaleProviderInterface;
        public function __construct(
    -       TranslationLocaleProviderInterface $localeProvider,
  3. The following CoreBundle constructor signatures have been changed:


    use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\CatalogPromotion\Announcer\CatalogPromotionRemovalAnnouncerInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
        public function __construct(
            private CatalogPromotionRepositoryInterface $catalogPromotionRepository,
    +       private CatalogPromotionRemovalAnnouncerInterface $catalogPromotionRemovalAnnouncer,
    -       private MessageBusInterface $commandBus,
    -       private MessageBusInterface $eventBus,


    use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocatorInterface;
        public function __construct(
            FactoryInterface $productFactory,
            FactoryInterface $productVariantFactory,
            FactoryInterface $channelPricingFactory,
            ProductVariantGeneratorInterface $variantGenerator,
            FactoryInterface $productAttributeValueFactory,
            FactoryInterface $productImageFactory,
            FactoryInterface $productTaxonFactory,
            ImageUploaderInterface $imageUploader,
            SlugGeneratorInterface $slugGenerator,
            RepositoryInterface $taxonRepository,
            RepositoryInterface $productAttributeRepository,
            RepositoryInterface $productOptionRepository,
            RepositoryInterface $channelRepository,
            RepositoryInterface $localeRepository,
            RepositoryInterface $taxCategoryRepository,
    +       FileLocatorInterface $fileLocator,


    use Sylius\Component\Resource\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
        public function __construct(
            FactoryInterface $promotionFactory,
            ExampleFactoryInterface $promotionRuleExampleFactory,
            ExampleFactoryInterface $promotionActionExampleFactory,
            ChannelRepositoryInterface $channelRepository,
            FactoryInterface $couponFactory,
    +       RepositoryInterface $localeRepository,


    use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry;
    use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
        public function __construct(
    -       Registry $doctrineRegistry,
    +       EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,


    use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
        public function __construct(
            RepositoryInterface $localeRepository,
            FactoryInterface $localeFactory,
            string $locale,
    +       Filesystem $filesystem,
    +       string $localeParameterFilePath,


        public function __construct( 
    -      string $resetPasswordToken,
    +      string $token,
           ?string $newPassword = null,
           ?string $confirmNewPassword = null,


    use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\ResetPasswordEmailManagerInterface;
    use Sylius\Component\Mailer\Sender\SenderInterface;
        public function __construct(
            private UserRepositoryInterface $shopUserRepository,
    -       private SenderInterface $emailSender,
    +       private ResetPasswordEmailManagerInterface $resetPasswordEmailManager,


    use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessorInterface;
        public function __construct(
            ManagerRegistry $registry,
    +       PropertyAccessorInterface $accessor,
  4. The following ShopBundle constructor signatures have been changed:


    use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\OrderEmailManagerInterface;
    use Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManagerInterface as DeprecatedOrderEmailManagerInterface;
        public function __construct(
    -       DeprecatedOrderEmailManagerInterface $orderEmailManager,
    +       OrderEmailManagerInterface $orderEmailManager,


    use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\ContactEmailManagerInterface;
    use Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\ContactEmailManagerInterface as DeprecatedContactEmailManagerInterface;
        public function __construct(
            RouterInterface $router,
            FormFactoryInterface $formFactory,
            Environment $templatingEngine,
            ChannelContextInterface $channelContext,
            CustomerContextInterface $customerContext,
            LocaleContextInterface $localeContext,
    -       DeprecatedContactEmailManagerInterface $contactEmailManager,
    +       ContactEmailManagerInterface $contactEmailManager,
  5. The following components' constructor signatures have been changed:


    use Sylius\Component\Addressing\Repository\ZoneRepositoryInterface;
    use Sylius\Component\Resource\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
        public function __construct(
    -       private RepositoryInterface $zoneRepository,
    +       private ZoneRepositoryInterface $zoneRepository,


    use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
    use SM\Factory\Factory;
    use Sylius\Abstraction\StateMachine\StateMachineInterface;
        public function __construct(
            OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository,
    -       Factory $stateMachineFactory,
    +       StateMachineInterface $stateMachineFactory,
            string $expirationPeriod,
            LoggerInterface $logger,
    +       ObjectManager $orderManager,
            int $batchSize = 100,


    use Sylius\Component\Core\Checker\ProductVariantLowestPriceDisplayCheckerInterface;
        public function __construct(
    +       ProductVariantLowestPriceDisplayCheckerInterface $productVariantLowestPriceDisplayChecker,


    use Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\Remover\OrderPaymentsRemoverInterface;
        /** @param array<string> $unprocessableOrderStates */
        public function __construct(
            OrderPaymentProviderInterface $orderPaymentProvider,
            string $targetState = PaymentInterface::STATE_CART,
    +       OrderPaymentsRemoverInterface $orderPaymentsRemover,
    +       array $unprocessableOrderStates,


    use Sylius\Component\Core\Distributor\ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface;
        public function __construct(
            CalculatorInterface $calculator,
            AdjustmentFactoryInterface $adjustmentFactory,
            IntegerDistributorInterface $distributor,
            TaxRateResolverInterface $taxRateResolver,
    +       ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface $proportionalIntegerDistributor,


    use Sylius\Component\Core\Distributor\ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface;
        public function __construct(
            CalculatorInterface $calculator,
            AdjustmentFactoryInterface $adjustmentFactory,
            TaxRateResolverInterface $taxRateResolver,
    +       ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface $proportionalIntegerDistributor,


    use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Checker\Rule\RuleCheckerInterface;
        public function __construct(
    -       RuleCheckerInterface $itemTotalRuleChecker,

Architectural changes

  1. Since catalog promotion action and scope validations have been rewritten to be more inline with symfony, the previous abstraction has been deprecated. This includes:

    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\CatalogPromotionAction\ActionValidatorInterface
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\CatalogPromotionScope\ScopeValidatorInterface
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\CatalogPromotionActionValidator
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\CatalogPromotionScopeValidator
  2. The way of getting variants prices based on options has been changed, as such the following services were deprecated, please use their new counterpart.

    • instead of Sylius\Component\Core\Provider\ProductVariantsPricesProviderInterface use Sylius\Component\Core\Provider\ProductVariantMap\ProductVariantsMapProviderInterface
    • instead of Sylius\Component\Core\Provider\ProductVariantsPricesProvider use Sylius\Component\Core\Provider\ProductVariantMap\ProductVariantsPricesMapProvider
    • instead of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\ProductVariantsPricesHelper use Sylius\Component\Core\Provider\ProductVariantMap\ProductVariantsPricesMapProvider
    • instead of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Twig\ProductVariantsPricesExtension use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Twig\ProductVariantsMapExtension

    Subsequently, the sylius_product_variant_prices twig function is deprecated, use sylius_product_variants_map instead.

    To add more data per variant create a service implementing the Sylius\Component\Core\Provider\ProductVariantMap\ProductVariantMapProviderInterface and tag it with sylius.product_variant_data_map_provider.

  3. Interface Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionInterface has been refactored and is now deprecated. It now extends a new interface Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionReadInterface, which contains only getter methods.

    • If your services or custom implementations previously relied on Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionInterface for read operations, you should now use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionReadInterface for better clarity and separation of concerns.
    • This change is backward compatible as long as your implementations or services were using only the getter methods from Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionInterface. However, if you also utilized setter methods, you should continue using Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionInterface.
  4. All console commands have been moved from Command to Console\Command. The Command namespace is considered deprecated for console commands and will only be used for CQRS-related commands starting with Sylius 2.0. List of affected classes:

    • Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Command\RemoveExpiredCartsCommand to Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Console\Command\RemoveExpiredCartsCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Command\GenerateCouponsCommand to Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Console\Command\GenerateCouponsCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\UiBundle\Command\DebugTemplateEventCommand to Sylius\Bundle\UiBundle\Console\Command\DebugTemplateEventCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Command\AbstractRoleCommand to Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Console\Command\AbstractRoleCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Command\DemoteUserCommand to Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Console\Command\DemoteUserCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Command\PromoteUserCommand to Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Console\Command\PromoteUserCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\Model\PluginInfo to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\Model\PluginInfo
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\AbstractInstallCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\AbstractInstallCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\CancelUnpaidOrdersCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\CancelUnpaidOrdersCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\CheckRequirementsCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\CheckRequirementsCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\InformAboutGUSCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\InformAboutGUSCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\InstallAssetsCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\InstallAssetsCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\InstallCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\InstallCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\InstallDatabaseCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\InstallDatabaseCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\InstallSampleDataCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\InstallSampleDataCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\JwtConfigurationCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\JwtConfigurationCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\SetupCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\SetupCommand
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Command\ShowAvailablePluginsCommand to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Console\Command\ShowAvailablePluginsCommand
  5. Product variants resolving has been refactored for better extendability. The tag sylius.product_variant_resolver.default has been removed as it was never used. To register a custom variant resolver use the tag sylius.product_variant_resolver with a fitting priority.

    All internal usages of service sylius.product_variant_resolver.default have been switched to Sylius\Component\Product\Resolver\ProductVariantResolverInterface, if you have been using the sylius.product_variant_resolver.default service apply this change accordingly.

  6. Sylius 2.0 will introduce a significant restructuring of our class system to enhance efficiency and clarity. The changes are as follows:

    • Message will be migrated to Command.
    • MessageDispatcher will be migrated to CommandDispatcher.
    • MessageHandler will be migrated to CommandHandler.
    • Example: Within the Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle, the MessageHandler\ResendOrderConfirmationEmailHandler class will be migrated to CommandHandler\ResendOrderConfirmationEmailHandler. This pattern will be mirrored across other bundles in the system.

Interfaces, Classes and Services

  1. Class Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Updater\Rule\TotalOfItemsFromTaxonRuleUpdater has been deprecated, as it is no more used.

  2. Class Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Updater\Rule\ContainsProductRuleUpdater has been deprecated, as it is no more used.

  3. Class Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManager and its interface Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManagerInterface have been deprecated, use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\OrderEmailManager and Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\OrderEmailManagerInterface instead.

  4. Class Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManager and its interface Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManagerInterface have been deprecated, use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\ShipmentEmailManager and Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\ShipmentEmailManagerInterface instead.

  5. Class Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\ContactEmailManager and its interface Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\ContactEmailManagerInterface have been deprecated, use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\ContactEmailManager and Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\ContactEmailManagerInterface instead.

  6. Class Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManager and its interface Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManagerInterface have been deprecated, use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\OrderEmailManager and Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Mailer\OrderEmailManagerInterface instead.

  7. Class Sylius\Bundle\ProductBundle\Form\Type\ProductOptionChoiceType has been deprecated. Use Sylius\Bundle\ProductBundle\Form\Type\ProductOptionAutocompleteType instead.

  8. Interface Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\Calculator\OrderItemsSubtotalCalculatorInterface and class Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\Twig\OrderItemsSubtotalExtension responsible for the sylius_order_items_subtotal twig function have been deprecated and will be removed in Sylius 2.0. Use the ::getItemsSubtotal() method from the Order class instead.

  9. Interface Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Updater\Rule\ProductAwareRuleUpdaterInterface has been deprecated and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.

  10. Both getCreatedByGuest and setCreatedByGuest methods were deprecated on Sylius\Component\Core\Model\OrderInterface. Please use isCreatedByGuest instead of the first one. The latter is a part of the setCustomerWithAuthorization logic and should be used only this way.

  11. The Sylius\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Provider\Calendar and Sylius\Bundle\ShippingBundle\Provider\DateTimeProvider have been deprecated and will be removed in Sylius 2.0. Use Symfony\Component\Clock\Clock instead.

  12. Class Sylius\Component\Promotion\Checker\Rule\CartQuantityRuleChecker has been deprecated. Use Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Checker\Rule\CartQuantityRuleChecker instead.

  13. Class Sylius\Component\Promotion\Checker\Rule\ItemTotalRuleChecker has been deprecated. Use Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Checker\Rule\ItemTotalRuleChecker instead.

  14. The Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\CatalogPromotion\Command\RemoveInactiveCatalogPromotion command and its handler Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\CatalogPromotion\CommandHandler\RemoveInactiveCatalogPromotionHandler have been deprecated. Use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\CatalogPromotion\Command\RemoveCatalogPromotion command instead.

  15. Class Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\Calculator\OrderItemsSubtotalCalculator has been deprecated. Order items subtotal calculation is now available on the Order model Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Order::getItemsSubtotal.

  16. The redirectToCartSummary protected method of Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Controller\OrderController has been deprecated as it was never used and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.

  17. Due to optimizations of the Order's grid the Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\OrderRepositoryInterface::createSearchListQueryBuilder method bas been deprecated in both the interface and the class, and replaced by Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\OrderRepositoryInterface::createCriteriaAwareSearchListQueryBuilder. Also Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\OrderRepositoryInterface::createByCustomerIdQueryBuilder has been deprecated in both the interface and the class, and replaced by Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\OrderRepositoryInterface::createByCustomerIdCriteriaAwareQueryBuilder for the same reason. Both changes affect sylius_admin_order and sylius_admin_customer_order grids configuration.

  18. The Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Provider\SessionProvider has been deprecated and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.

  19. The Sylius\Component\Addressing\Repository\ZoneRepositoryInterface and Sylius\Bundle\AddressingBundle\Repository\ZoneRepository were added. If you created a custom Zone repository, you should update it to extend the Sylius\Bundle\AddressingBundle\Repository\ZoneRepository

  20. The service definition for sylius.promotion_rule_checker.item_total has been updated. The class has been changed from Sylius\Component\Promotion\Checker\Rule\ItemTotalRuleChecker to Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Checker\Rule\ItemTotalRuleChecker.

  21. The sylius.http_message_factory service has been deprecated. Use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface instead.

  22. The sylius.http_client has become an alias to psr18.http_client service.

  23. The sylius.payum.http_client has become a service ID of newly created Sylius\Bundle\PayumBundle\HttpClient\HttpClient.

  24. The argument of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\PaymentPreCompleteListener has been changed from Sylius\Component\Inventory\Checker\AvailabilityCheckerInterface to sylius.availability_checker. This is the alias to the same service.

  25. The interface Sylius\Component\Core\SyliusLocaleEvents has been deprecated and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.

  26. The Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\CustomerReviewsDeleteListener has been removed as it was not used.


  1. To ease customization we've introduced attributes for some services in 1.13:

    • Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Attribute\AsCartContext for cart contexts
    • Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Attribute\AsOrderProcessor for order processors
    • Sylius\Bundle\ProductBundle\Attribute\AsProductVariantResolver for product variant resolvers

    By default, Sylius still configures them using interfaces, but this way you cannot define a priority. If you want to define a priority, you need to set the following configuration in your _sylius.yaml file:

        autoconfigure_with_attributes: true

    and use one of the new attributes accordingly to the type of your class, e.g.:

     namespace App\OrderProcessor;
     use Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Attribute\AsOrderProcessor;
     use Sylius\Component\Order\Model\OrderInterface;
     use Sylius\Component\Order\Processor\OrderProcessorInterface;
     #[AsOrderProcessor(/*priority: 10*/)] //priority is optional
     final class OrderProcessorWithAttributeStub implements OrderProcessorInterface
         public function process(OrderInterface $order): void
  2. A new parameter has been added to specify the validation groups for a given promotion action. If you have any custom validation groups for your promotion action, you need to add them to your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file. Additionally, if you have your own promotion action and want to add your validation groups, you can add another key to the promotion_action.validation_groups parameter. This is handled by Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\PromotionActionGroupValidator and it resolves the groups based on the type of the passed promotion action.

                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_promotion_action_order_percentage_discount'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_promotion_action_shipping_percentage_discount'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'your_custom_validation_group'

    Along with this update, constraints have been removed from specific action form types. The affected form types include:

    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\Action\FixedDiscountConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\Action\PercentageDiscountConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\Action\UnitFixedDiscountConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\Action\UnitPercentageDiscountConfigurationType

    The constraints previously defined in these forms are now in src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Resources/config/validation/PromotionAction.xml and managed via the new validation groups parameters in the configuration.

  3. Sylius Mailer email configuration keys in the src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Resources/config/app/sylius/sylius_mailer.yml file have been changed:


               subject: sylius.emails.user.verification_token.subject


  4. A new parameter has been added to specify the validation groups for a given catalog promotion action. If you have any custom validation groups for your catalog promotion action, you need to add them to your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file. Additionally, if you have your own catalog promotion action and want to add your validation groups, you can add another key to the catalog_promotion_action.validation_groups parameter. This is handled by Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\CatalogPromotionActionGroupValidator and it resolves the groups based on the type of the passed catalog promotion action.

                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_catalog_promotion_action_percentage_discount'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_catalog_promotion_action_fixed_discount'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'your_custom_validation_group'

    Along with this update, constraints have been removed from specific rule form types. The affected form types include:

    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\CatalogPromotionAction\FixedDiscountActionConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\CatalogPromotionAction\PercentageDiscountActionConfigurationType

    The constraints previously defined in these forms are now in src/Sylius/Bundle/PromotionBundle/Resources/config/validation/CatalogPromotionAction.xml and src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Resources/config/validation/CatalogPromotionAction.xml and are managed via the new validation groups parameters in the configuration.

  5. A new parameter has been added to specify the validation groups for a given catalog promotion scope. If you have any custom validation groups for your catalog promotion scope, you need to add them to your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file. Additionally, if you have your own catalog promotion scope and want to add your validation groups, you can add another key to the catalog_promotion_scope.validation_groups parameter. This is handled by Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\CatalogPromotionScopeGroupValidator and it resolves the groups based on the type of the passed catalog promotion scope.

                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_catalog_promotion_scope_for_products'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_catalog_promotion_scope_for_taxons'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'your_custom_validation_group'

    Along with this update, constraints have been removed from specific rule form types. The affected form types include:

    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\CatalogPromotionScope\ForProductsScopeConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\CatalogPromotionScope\ForTaxonsScopeConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\CatalogPromotionScope\ForVariantsScopeConfigurationType

    The constraints previously defined in these forms are now in src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Resources/config/validation/CatalogPromotionScope.xml and managed via the new validation groups parameters in the configuration.

  6. A new parameter has been added to specify the validation groups for a given promotion rule. If you have any custom validation groups for your promotion rule, you need to add them to your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file. Additionally, if you have your own promotion rule and want to add your validation groups, you can add another key to the promotion_rule.validation_groups parameter. This is handled by Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Validator\PromotionRuleGroupValidator and it resolves the groups based on the type of the passed promotion rule.

                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_promotion_rule_cart_quantity'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_promotion_rule_customer_group'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'your_custom_validation_group'

    Along with this update, constraints have been removed from specific rule form types. The affected form types include:

    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\Promotion\Rule\ContainsProductConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\Promotion\Rule\NthOrderConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\Rule\CartQuantityConfigurationType
    • Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\Rule\ItemTotalConfigurationType

    The constraints previously defined in these forms are now in src/Sylius/Bundle/CoreBundle/Resources/config/validation/PromotionRule.xml and managed via the new validation groups parameters in the configuration.

  7. A new parameter has been added to specify the validation groups for given gateway factory. If you have any custom validation groups for your factory, you need to add them to your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file. Also, if you have your own gateway factory and want to add your validation groups you can add another entry to the validation_groups configuration node. It is handled by Sylius\Bundle\PayumBundle\Validator\GroupsGenerator\GatewayConfigGroupsGenerator and it resolves the groups based on the passed factory name:

                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_paypal_express_checkout'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_stripe_checkout'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'your_custom_validation_group'
  8. New parameters have been added to specify the validation groups for a given shipping method rule and calculator. If you have any custom validation groups for your calculators or rules, you need to add them to your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file. Also, if you have your own shipping method rule or calculator and want to add your validation groups you can add another key to the validation_groups parameter:

                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_shipping_method_rule_total_weight'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_shipping_method_rule_order_total'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'your_custom_validation_group'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_shipping_method_calculator_rate'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'sylius_shipping_method_calculator_rate'
                    - 'sylius'
                    - 'your_custom_validation_group'
  9. The new parameter has been added to specify the max integer value that could be used, by default the value is 2147483647 if you want to change it you need to add the following configuration to your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file:

        max_int_value: 9223372036854775807
  10. The sylius_inventory.checker configuration node has been deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.

  11. Due to changes in API paths, the security configuration has been changed:

    -           check_path: ""
    +           check_path: ""
    -           check_path: ""
    +           check_path: ""
    -     - { path: "", role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
    +     - { path: "", role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
    -     - { path: "", role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
    +     - { path: "", role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
    -     - { path: "", role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
    +     - { path: "", role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
  12. A new firewall has been added to the security configuration:

            pattern: ^/media/cache/resolve
            security: false
  13. All instances of options node have been deprecated in all resource and translation configurations.

State Machine

  1. We have configured all existing Sylius graphs to be usable with the Symfony Workflow out of the box. Winzou State Machine is still the default state machine for all graphs, but you can switch to Symfony Workflow via configuration:

            <graph_name>: <adapter_name>
            # e.g.
            sylius_order_checkout: symfony_workflow # available adapters: symfony_workflow, winzou_state_machine
        # we can also can the default adapter
        default_adapter: symfony_workflow # winzou_state_machine is a default value here

    Starting with Sylius 2.0 Symfony Workflow will be the default state machine for all graphs.

  2. In the sylius_payment state machine of PaymentBundle, there has been a change in the state name:

    • State name change:
      • From: void
      • To: unknown
  3. In the sylius_payment state machine of PaymentBundle, a new state authorized has been introduced, along with a new transition:

    • Transition authorize:
      • From states: [new, processing]
      • To state: authorized

    Due to that the following transitions have been updated:

    • Transition complete:
      • From states: [new, processing, authorized]
      • To state: completed
    • Transition fail:
      • From states: [new, processing, authorized]
      • To state: failed
    • Transition cancel:
      • From states: [new, processing, authorized]
      • To state: cancelled
    • Transition void:
      • From states: [new, processing, authorized]
      • To state: unknown
  4. The sylius_payment state machine of CoreBundle has been updated to allow failing an authorized payment:

    • Transition fail:
      • From states: [new, processing, authorized]
      • To state: failed


  1. Validation translation key has been replaced by in all places used by Sylius. The has been left for backward compatibility and will be removed in Sylius 2.0.

  2. Translation keys in the Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Resources\translations\messages.en.yml under the key have been changed:


                hello: 'Hello'
                message: 'Verify your account with token: '
                subject: 'Email address verification'
                to_verify_your_email_address: 'To verify your email address - click the link below'
                verify_your_email_address: 'Verify your email address'


                    greeting: 'Hello'
                    message: 'Verify your account with token: '
                    statement: 'Verify your email address'
                    strategy: 'To verify your email address - click the link below'
                    subject: 'Email address verification'


  1. Using Guzzle 6 has been deprecated in favor of Symfony HTTP Client. If you want to still use Guzzle 6 or Guzzle 7, you need to install composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter or composer require php-http/guzzle7-adapter depending on your Guzzle version. Subsequently, you need to register the adapter as a Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface service as the following:

                class: Http\Adapter\Guzzle7\Client # for Guzzle 6 use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client instead
  2. PostgreSQL migration support has been introduced. If you are using PostgreSQL, we assume that you have already created a database schema in some way. All you need to do is run migrations, which will mark all migrations created before Sylius 1.13 as executed.

  3. We have explicitly added relationships between product and reviews and between product and attributes in XML mappings. Because of that, the subscribers Sylius\Bundle\AttributeBundle\Doctrine\ORM\Subscriber\LoadMetadataSubscriber and Sylius\Bundle\ReviewBundle\Doctrine\ORM\Subscriber\LoadMetadataSubscriber have been modified so they do not add a relationship if one already exists. If you have overwritten or decorated it, there may be a need to update it.

  4. The behavior of the sylius:install:setup command has changed, because Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Installer\Setup\LocaleSetup has been updated. Now, it automatically replaces the existing locale parameter in the configuration with the one provided for the store.

  5. Extracted the section responsible for the ShopBundle from @SyliusCore/Email/accountVerification.html.twig and relocated it to @SyliusShop/Email/verification.html.twig.

  6. Using parentId query parameter to generate slug in Sylius\Bundle\TaxonomyBundle\Controller\TaxonSlugController has been deprecated. Use the parentCode query parameter instead.

  7. The Regex and Length constraints have been removed from Sylius\Component\Addressing\Model\Country in favour of the Country constraint. Due to that, their translation messages and were also removed.

  8. The Regex and Length constraints have been removed from Sylius\Component\Currency\Model\Currency in favour of the Currency constraint. Due to that, their translation messages sylius.currency.regex and sylius.currency.exact_length were also removed.

  9. The Regex constraint has been removed from Sylius\Component\Locale\Model\Locale in favour of the Locale constraint. Due to that, the translation message sylius.locale.code.regex was also removed.

  10. The sylius_admin_ajax_taxon_move route has been deprecated. If you're relaying on it, consider migrating to new sylius_admin_ajax_taxon_move_up and sylius_admin_ajax_taxon_move_down routes.

  11. Check if the countryCode is set has been removed from the Sylius\Component\Addressing\ModelAddress::setProvinceCode method. The adequate check is ensured by validation.

  12. The migration changing the type of the DC2TYPE:array to JSON has been added to the following fields in tables:

    • data => sylius_address_log_entries
    • roles => sylius_admin_user
    • configuration => sylius_catalog_promotion_action
    • configuration => sylius_catalog_promotion_scope
    • configuration => sylius_product_attribute
    • configuration => sylius_promotion_action
    • configuration => sylius_promotion_rule
    • configuration => sylius_shipping_method
    • configuration => sylius_shipping_method_rule
    • roles => sylius_shop_user

    If you prefer skipping this migration and applying the changes yourself you can do it by executing the following commands:

    For MySQL migration:

      bin/console doctrine:migrations:version --add Sylius\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Migrations\\Version20240315112656

    For PostgresSQL migration:

      bin/console doctrine:migrations:version --add Sylius\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Migrations\\Version20240318094743

    Along with this change, the data field in the sylius_address_log_entries table is now nullable within our database schema, aligning with the nullable nature of the corresponding field in Gedmo's LogEntry.