This repo is the front end portion for the final project I completed from the ZTM Complete Web Developer Bootcamp (this link is an affiliate link).
In order to complete the entire project, the following technologies and languages were used:
FRONT END (you are here):
- JavaScript & React (see setup info for GitHub Pages here)
- tachyons
- tsparticles
- hosted on GitHub pages
The code for this is in this repo - which was originally forked from Render's Node.js template. So while it says there are contributors ... None of those contributors were a part of this project.
- Node.js & Express.js
- bcrypt-nodejs - not currently maintained and should use alternative in the future (still works though)
- cors
- dotenv
- knex for connection to postgreSQL database
- Clarifai API (for facial recognition & info on where to put boxes)
- hosted on Render
- postgreSQL
- hosted on Render
All code is located in the facerecognitionapp-ztm subfolder. From there, run the following:
npm run predeploy
npm run deploy
This will prep the front end code and push to the GitHub Pages branch.