Show runner for Proton
proton-runner depends on rust-sfml. To setup dependencies, Unix users should install libcsfml-dev and libsfml-dev using aptitude, homebrew, or any other package manager you are using. Windows users should create the following environment variables:
Name | Value |
CSFML_HOME | full/path/to/proton-runner/libs/CSFML |
SFML_HOME | full/path/to/proton-runner/libs/SFML |
You also may need to add proton-runner/libs/CSFML/bin and proton-runner/libs/SFML/bin to your PATH variable in order to run proton-runner.
CSFML and SFML licenses are found in their corresponding subdirectories. Copies can also be found in licenses/. The only changes to the source have been deleting the include/ and doc/ folders for CSFML and the cmake, doc, examples, and include folders for SFML (done for space). Credit to Laurent Gomila for both libraries.
proton-runner also depends on rust-openssl, which prompts the following notice:
"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (". The full license(s) can be found in licenses/rust-openssl_licenses
To install dependencies on Unix systems, install either libssl-dev, openssl-devel, or openssl (try in that order; depends on the OS). You will also need pkg-config. Refer to rust-openssl if you have any issues.