This currently totally works at * websites and partially works at other Danbooru-type websites.
If there are no tags then you can add tags to the filenames. Example:
- Most images at should have these tags:
steel_vaginas piercing puffy tattoo vagina female solo light_skin
To get the file list edit this HTML:
<p id="xx">Save the text in here to a text file to download with "wget -i in.txt -O out.txt"</p>
text = "";
for (i=1; i<#+1; i++) { // # = the most recent post
text += "http://*" + i + "<br>" // * = the hostname
document.getElementById("xx").innerHTML = text;
// Suffix all files with ".txt"
// then combine files:
// copy /b *.txt newfile.txt
- Use vim command:
g!/" id="image" /d | %s/^.*src="//g | %s/" id="image".*$//g
- then save that to a text file
- then use:
wget -i in.txt
<p id="xx">Save the text in here to a text file to download with "wget -i in.txt -O out.txt"</p>
text = "";
for (i=1; i<#+1; i++) {
text += "http://*" + i + "<br>"
document.getElementById("xx").innerHTML = text;
Then run these Vim commands:
%s/<.DOCTYPE html PUBLIC\(.*\n\)\{61}.*<.script><.span><span class="thumb"\(.*\n\)\{127}<\/body><\/html>//ge | %s/..DOCTYPE html PUBLIC\(.*\n\)\{48}//ge | %s/ Score: \(.*\n\)\{9}.*alt="img" src="//ge | %s/" id="image"\(.*\n\)\{14}/\r/ge | %s/.*>Next Post<br \(.*\n\)\{7}.*cols="40" rows="5"//ge | %s/<\/textarea>.\n.*My Tags\(.*\n\)\{134}//ge | %s/\(<\/div>\)\{4}.\n<\/body><\/html>/\r\r/ge | %s/.*\n.* name="parent" value="" .>.\n//ge | %s/.* id="title" value="\(Booru mass uploader\)\?" .>.\n//ge | %s/.* Source: \(http:..ibsearch.*upload\|https:..ibsearch\.xxx\)\? <br .>.\n//ge | %s/ga.src = ('https:' == document\(.*\n\)\{6}//ge | %s/.*Rating: \(.\).*\n\(.*\)\n>/\2\r>\1 /ge | %s/ \+$//ge | %s/\n\{2,3}/\r/ge | %s/^http/wget http/ge | %s/\(\.....\?\)\n^>\(.*\)/\1 -O "\2 IgnoreTheLastTag\1"/ge
let counter=0|g//let counter=counter+1|s/IgnoreTheLastTag/\=counter
(These operations could be better.)
Manuel work: Then copy (find with ctrl-f):
- Fix stuff that is not uniform
- "Title..." (should be replaced to end of tags)
- "Parent..."
- "Source..."
(Use this to get rid of abnormalities:
Then save the text to a .bat file and run it.
Encode to HTML entities:
%s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=\//\//ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=\\/\\/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=:/\:/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=\*/\*/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=?/\?/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<="/\"/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=</\</ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=>/\>/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=|/\|/ge | %s/"$/"/ge
Now you have two choices:
- Manuelly add the title, source, and parent info to the end of the wget command(s):
0. I will automate this with Vim sometime.
- Find with ctrl-f:
- Make the characters filename usable, for example, encode them to HTML entities:
\/:*?"<>| ---> \/:*?"<>|
- then change 1 to 2:
- wget http://... -O "[rating] [tags] [number]" to ("VFC" = "valid filename characters"):
- wget http://... -O "[rating] [tags] title:[VFC title];parent:[parent];source:[VFC source]"
- Fix other stuff that is not uniform
- Find with ctrl-f:
- Get rid of title, source, and parent by converting abnormalities into the format of 1.3.1 above
- Fix "title", "parent", and "source" left-overs in that order,
there is a special character below between
<br .>
: "^M" --->:%s/.*Rating: \(.\).*<br .>
\n\(^.*$\)\n^.*type="text" name="title" id="title".*$\n^>\(.*\)$/\2 -O "\1 \3 IgnoreTheLastTag"/ge | %s/.*Rating: \(.\).*<br .>
\n>\(.*\)/\2 -O "\1 \3 IgnoreTheLastTag"/ge | %s/.*Rating: \(.\).*<br .>
\n\(.*\)\n.*<input type="text" name="title" id="title" .*\n.*
\n>\(.*\)/\2 -O "\1 \3 IgnoreTheLastTag"/ge | %s/\(\.....\?\) -O "\(.*IgnoreTheLastTag\)"$/\1 -O "\2\1"/g | %s/\.jpeg"$/.jpg"/g | g!/^wget/d
- Fix "title", "parent", and "source" left-overs in that order,
there is a special character below between
:let counter=0|g//let counter=counter+1|s/IgnoreTheLastTag/\=counter
If you have Windows, run:
247 characters long in the directory C:/0/
Else if you have Linux then you don't have to change the filename size.
( These operations could be better. ) ( Thanks to: )
Then save the text to a .bat file and run it.
JavaScript's for loop can only generate so much text before crashing; thus, Java should be used:
public class MassDownloadHuge
public static void main(String[] args)
// max = 621851
for (int i = 1; i < 621851 + 1; i++)
System.out.println("wget -U \"Mozilla\" http://.../post/show/" + i);
// Replace "..." with the domain name.
Add Java to the "path" environment variable:
>SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\...\javapath
Output of path
Generate the batch file:
>java MassDownloadHuge > 0.bat