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Connect FluiddPi to your ioBroker Smart Home and get Telegram notifications

Dennis edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

To switch off smart plugs etc. you need to get the status of the printer in your Smart Home system.

For this tutorial, we use ioBroker with already set-up Telegram adapter.

Tutorials for installing ioBroker on a Raspberry Pi (NOT your FluiddPi!), Docker, Linux, Mac etc. you can find here.

Installing Telegram adapter is described here.

Get the printer state into your ioBroker

Create a new Blockly script under Scripts.

Import the following Code (Flag-Icons on the upper right): Link

It should now look like this:


You should now change FLUIDDPI-IP to the IP of your FluiddPi. Also, the recipient of Telegram notifications has to be set - and you can change the notification message, too.

As you can see in the script, a state of a smart plug is set to Off 5 minutes after the print is finished. (On is set to False) Therefore the Hotend cools down until the printer can shut down safely.

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