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sheetmanager.cfg Commands

Prutsium edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 1 revision

The Sheetmanager is to be able to swap between sheets and each sheet has it's own Z_Offset from the probe. This also means that in the printer.cfg the Z_Offset has to be set to 0 and each sheet must be stored in the Sheetmanager with it's Z_Offset.

The sheets and offsets are stored in a variable that must be first activated in the printer.cfg (in ours its already there) Just add:

filename: ~/variables-blue.cfg

And Klipper is able to save variables required for the Sheetmanager. To activate sheetmanager just download the file sheetmanager.cfg and place this in the same directory as your printer.cfg.

In printer.cfg add the following: [include sheetmanager.cfg]

To work with Sheetmanager this guide part comes from the creator of it.

ADD_NEW_SHEET SHEET_NAME=[name of sheet] SHEET_OFFSET=[live-z value or "Current"]: Adds a new sheet which is referred to by the SHEET_NAME parameter with the specified SHEET_OFFSET (think of as live-z) to the sheet library If "Current" is used for the SHEET_OFFSET value, will assign the offset to whatever the current Z-Offset is

EX: ADD_NEW_SHEET SHEET_NAME=TestSheet1 SHEET_OFFSET=-1.15 Terminal Output: // Added sheet 'TestSheet1' with offset '-1.15'

Ex: ADD_NEW_SHEET SHEET_NAME=TestSheet2 SHEET_OFFSET=Current Terminal Output: Added sheet 'TestSheet2' with offset '-1.12' <-- The current Z offset was -1.12 when called

LIST_SHEETS: Prints a list of all the currently stored sheets in the sheet library along with their offsets

EX: LIST_SHEETS Terminal Output: // Sheet: 'TestSheet1' Offset: -1.150 // Sheet: 'Smooth' Offset: -1.140 // Sheet: 'Textured' Offset: -1.445

LOAD_SHEET SHEET_NAME=[name of sheet]: Loads the offset value of the specified sheet

EX: LOAD_SHEET SHEET_NAME=Smooth Terminal Output: // Loaded sheet 'Smooth' with offset -1.14

UPDATE_SHEET SHEET_NAME=[name of sheet] SHEET_OFFSET=[new live-z or "Current"] Updates the specified sheet with the new offset value. ("Current" behaves the same way that it does with ADD_SHEET)

EX: UPDATE_SHEET SHEET_NAME=TestSheet1 SHEET_OFFSET=Current Terminal Output: //Sheet 'TestSheet1' offset updated to '-1.12'

EX: UPDATE_SHEET SHEET_NAME=TestSheet2 SHEET_OFFSET=-1.0 Terminal Output: //Sheet 'TestSheet2' offset updated to '-1.0'

REMOVE_SHEET SHEET_NAME=[name of sheet]: Removes the specified sheet from the sheet library

EX: REMOVE_SHEET SHEET_NAME=TestSheet1 Terminal Output: // Sheet 'TestSheet1' removed

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