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Psideralis Informática Empresarial edited this page Oct 3, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Binary-Toolkit wiki!



cd Binary-Toolkit
make build
make install platform=("windows" or "linux" or "mac")


cd Binary-Toolkit
cd PSI_Scripts
Windows (A command line menu will be displayed for options selection):
    Installation:   install.bat or install.ps1
Linux or Mac (A command line menu will be displayed for options selection):


cd Binary-Toolkit
make uninstall platform=("windows" or "linux" or "mac")


cd PSI_Scripts
Windows (A command line menu will be displayed for options selection):
    Uninstallation: uninstall.bat o uninstall.ps1
Linux or Mac (A command line menu will be displayed for options selection):


Binary Reader

bindump [parameters] [options] [file]

bindump++ [parameters] [options] [file]

python [parameters] [options] [file]

sharpdump  [parameters] [options] [file]

jsdump  [parameters] [options] [file]

    -audio: output an audio representation of the binary.
    -morse: output an morse code representation of the binary.
    -image: output an image representation of the binary.
    -video: output an video representation of the binary.
    -curve: output an curve representation of the binary.
    -polgrad: output a polygon gradient representation of the binary.
    -plygrad: output a polyhedron gradient representation of the binary.
    -wave: output an wave representation of the binary.
    -condensate: output an condensate representation of the binary.
General Parameters:
    -f [filename]: output dump file.
    -b: output binary format.
    -o: output octal format.
    -h: ouptut hexadecimal format.
    -a: output ASCII format. Can be used with -b, -o or -h.
    -u8: output UTF-8 format. Can be used with -b, -o or -h.
    -u16: output UTF-16 format. Can be used with -b, -o or -h.
    -u32: output UTF-32 format. Can be used with -b, -o or -h.
    -cct: output a custom code table format. Can be used with -b, -o or -h. Requires parameter: -cct_file [File path] (See CCT File Format below)

Binary Ops

xorgdiff  [parameters] [options]
    Creates a backup of the organization system, if already exist creates a diff file.

    -b: creates backup file of the organization system
    -d: creates diff file between back up files
    -s: creates a diff of a specific file
    -z: creates diff file between a specific file and a back up file
    -r: programm autoremove
    -e: exhaustive backup file or diff
    -m: medium backup file or diff
    -i: minimun back up file or diff
    -n:[.bkp,.bkp]: list the backup files or path 

xorgcntrl  [parameters] [options]
    Control options for organization management.

    -x: expose information of time, space and organization of a organization thread 
    -a: modify the permissions of the organization system
    -c: modify the credentials of the organization system
    -g: exposes the log and records of the organization system
    -r: programm autoremove
    -f: modify the permissions of a specific file or entity 
    -e: modify the credentials of a specific entity 
    -i: verify the diff hash of a organization diff
    -h: expose the log and record

xfsdiff  [parameters] [options]
    Creates a backup of the file system, if already exist creates a diff file.

    -b: creates backup file of fyle system
    -d: creates diff file between back up files
    -s: creates a diff of a specific file
    -z: creates diff file between a specific file and a back up file
    -r: programm autoremove
    -e: exhaustive backup file or diff
    -m: medium backup file or diff
    -i: minimun back up file or diff
    -n:[.bkp,.bkp]: list the backup files or path 

xfscntrl  [parameters] [options]
    Control options for file management.

    -x: expose information of time, space and organization of a file thread 
    -a: expose the organization system associated to a specific file
    -c: expose the process system associated to a specific file
    -n: expose the network system associated to a specific file
    -g: expose the file metadata
    -r: programm autoremove
    -f: verify the diff hash of a filesystem diff
    -h: expose the log and record

xprocdiff  [parameters] [options]
    Creates a backup of the process system, if already exist creates a diff file.

    -b: creates backup file of process system
    -d: creates diff file between back up files
    -s: creates a diff of a specific file
    -z: creates diff file between a specific file and a back up file
    -r: programm autoremove
    -e: exhaustive backup file or diff
    -m: medium backup file or diff
    -i: minimun back up file or diff
    -n:[.bkp,.bkp]: list the backup files or path

xproccntrl  [parameters] [options]
    Control options for process management.

    -x: expose information of time, space and organization of a process and services thread
    -a: expose the process and services threads and modules
    -c: expose the libraries associated with the threads and their export modules
    -g: verify the network system associated to a specific process and service
    -r: programm autoremove
    -f: verify the diff hash of a process diff
    -e: expose the log and record

xnetdiff  [parameters] [options]
    Creates a backup of the network system, if already exist creates a diff file.

    -x: expose information of time, space and organization of a thread network socket
    -b: creates backup file of process system
    -d: creates diff file between back up files
    -s: creates a diff of a specific file
    -z: creates diff file between a specific file and a back up file
    -r: programm autoremove
    -e: exhaustive backup file or diff
    -m: medium backup file or diff
    -i: minimun back up file or diff
    -n:[.bkp,.bkp]: list the backup files or path

xnetcntrl  [parameters] [options]
    Control options for network management. Included firewall, proxy and gateway configuration, private network and network architecture security management. For defensive and offensive exploits contact Psideralis for commercial version.

    -x: expose information of time, space and organization of a network thread
    -a: expose the network ports and socket information
    -g: expose the id and geolocalization of a incoming
    -i: expose the purpose of a incoming
    -c: expose the processes associated with the network and their ports and sockets
    -g: verify the credentials system associated to a specific network
    -r: programm autoremove
    -f: verify the diff hash of a network system diff
    -e: expose the network log and records

binops [parameters] [options]

sharpbinops [parameters] [options]

    Cypher options:
        -executive: cypher binary load in executive.
        -audio: cypher binary load in audio.
        -audio: cypher binary load in morse code.
        -image: cypher binary load in image.
        -video: cypher binary load in video.
        -curve: cypher binary load in curve .
        -polgrad: cypher binary load in polygon gradient.
        -plygrad: cypher binary load in polyhedron gradient.
        -wave: cypher binary load in wave.
        -condensate: cypher binary load in condensate.
    Binops options:
        -sub: substitution
        -inc: inclusion
        -exc: exclusion
        -per: permutation
    -b: binary operator flag.
    -y: inyect binary load to file.
    -e: deyect binary load from file.
    -c: cypher binary load.
    -d: decypher binary load.
    -m: signed binary executive for tracing.
    -t: trace binary executive
    -p: create public key
    -v: create private key
    -r: create signed certificate
    -s: create signature
    -k: create master key
    -l: create cipher vault
    -h: decypher vault vault
    -r: programm autoremove

binyect [parameters] [options]

sharpbinyect [parameters] [options]

    -i: inyect/deyect load to a binary
    -x: inyect/deyect load to a executive
    -f: inyect/deyect load to a file
    -p: inyect/deyect load to a process
    -n: inyect/deyect load to a network
    -r: programm autoremove

bintrace [parameters] [options]

sharpbintrace [parameters] [options]

    -i: trace the process data
    -s: trace the process stack
    -o: trace the process organization
    -f: trace the process file
    -v: trace the process services
    -m: trace the process modules
    -n: trace the process network
    -d: modify in runtime
    -e: cypher interprocess communication
    -x: cypher network communication
    -r: programm autoremove

xnetcrypto [parameters] [options]

python pyxnetcrypto [parameters] [options]

sharpxnetcrypto [parameters] [options]

jsxnetcrypto [parameters] [options]

    -c: cyphet/decypher the file
    -p: create or verify public key
    -v: create of verify private key
    -g: create or verify signature
    -c: create of verify certificate transaction
    -n: cypher the network output
    -d: decypher try all
        - di:   decypher try inmutable
        - dm:   decypher try mutable
        - dt:   decypher try transmutable
    -r: programm autoremove

xnetcompress [parameters] [options]

python pyxnetcompress  [parameters] [options]

sharpxnetcompres [parameters] [options]

jsxnetcompress [parameters] [options]


Binary Pit

binarypit [parameters] [options]


binpitclient [parameters] [options]

    By default it starts Binary Pit server (Windows, Linux, MacOS, [Android, iOS: requires Terminal]). Security service that monitor, reports and control ops the resources: organization, filesystem, process and network. Seven levels of defensive, evasive, affensive and offensive notifications and responses. Requires binary pit client (binpitclient) if remote, otherwise uses binary pit (binarypit). Uses configuration file: binpin.config. For manual of configuration file see: binarypit -config

    - config,  -c:          configuration file manual
    - default, -d:          create and set default configuration file
    - reset,   -r:          reset configuration file manual
    - start                 start service
    - pause                 pause service
    - stop                  stop service
    - defense, -n [0-7]     set defense level
    - evaise,  -v [0-7]     set evasive level
    - affense, -a [0-7]     set affense level
    - offensive, -o [0-7]   set offensive level
    - run [script]          run script
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