Code to produce the HSMR public dashboard.
This is a summary level dashboard of the key points from the HSMR publication, available on the PHS wesbite. It presents the HSMR funnel plot and crude mortality trends for the acute hospitals in Scotland, as well as some additional mortality indicators.
- The smr, crude trends and lookup data files required for this dashboard have been produced during the HSMR publication process.
- save_app_files: script that includes all the data files used by the app and the right version (datestamped) of each one. The publication date should be updated and the script run to save the files locally in order to update the dashboard and deploy.
Folder includes all the code used to produce the Shiny app. In the root folder, you can find the key scripts for the app (ui, server and global) and the google analytics tracking code.
- www folder: Includes images and logos used in the dashboard and the CSS stylesheet.
- lookups folder: contains the geography lookup used in the dashboard.
- Other folders: When working with the app other folder should be present: data and admin. These won't be commited to Git. Another folder called rsconnect could be present if you have previously deployed the dashboard.
Open data is produced as part of the HSMR publication process.