This project will show a simple spring boot cloud application. It will start have a Postgres database and make available some services to see and manipulate this data, as well some examples how to implement certain strucutre, like Spring security with Oauth2, Eureka for services registration and discovery.
* jdk1.8
* Maven
* Postgresql
* Ares - The Spring Cloud Config implementation that use the following public GIT repo :
* Gaia - The Spring Cloud using Eureka implementation for services registration and discovery.
* Hades - The Spring security with Oauth2 implementation.
* http://localhost:9092/swagger-ui.html on HADES
this will show all endpoints.
* http://localhost:{API-PORT}/log
Show a endpoint with all logs mapped (see
* http://localhost:{API-PORT}/health
* http://localhost:{API-PORT}/mappings
* http://localhost:{API-PORT}/beans
These will show some information about service.
* http://localhost:9091/
These will show the Eureka dashboard with all avaliable instances.
These will show the project that the ARES project will use to load the aplications configuratios
1. Run the Ares application
2. Run the Gaia application
3. Run the Hades application
4. Run the Register Aplication