Duster overalt.
- Fredrik H. Rasch
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve
# build for production with minification
npm run build
Simply append a JSON-string at the end of the URL, like this: http://startiot.cs.uit.no/info/[{"name":"bus-card","title":"UiT Southbound","from":"19021323:2"},{"name":"airport-card","title":"Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema","center":"60.32,24.95","zoom":"9"}]
The JSON-string must be an array containing object representations of each module to add to the screen. The following module definitions are available:
"name": "dust-card",
"thingId": "Managed IoT Cloud Thing ID"
Bus Card
"name": "bus-card",
"title": "The module title",
"from": "Travel magic from ID"
Airport Card
"name": "airport-card",
"title": "The module title",
"center": "lat,lng coordinates of the map center",
"zoom": "0-18 value of the starting zoom level of the map"
"name": "td-card"
"name": "bus-card",
"title": "UiT Southbound",
"from": "19021323:2"
"name": "airport-card",
"title": "Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema",
"center": "60.32,24.95",
"zoom": "9"
"name": "dust-card",
"thingId": "00001337"