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This is an HBV integration site detection tool.

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This is an HBV integration site detection tool.


This tool requires a virtual environment on conda.
Download the source code from github.

git clone
cd ViroISDC

Create a python virtual environment and install the required packages. If your device is cuda available, you can choose to use tensorflow with gpu.

conda create -n virolsdc python=3.6
conda activate virolsdc
pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare data


First, use prefetch to download the SRA sample data in batches, and then use fastq-dump to convert the sra data into fastq format. Examples are as follows:

prefetch --option-file SraAccList.txt
fastq-dump  sample.sra --split-3 --gzip -O /home/data/sample/


Before preprocessing the data, please ensure that you have installed bwa, trimmomatic, and samtools. Additionally, you will need the human reference genome sequence GRCh37_latest_genomic.fna as well as the reference sequence for Hepatitis B virus (hbv.fasta). Below is an example of data preprocessing.

java -jar /home/package/Trimmomatic-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE -threads 2 -phred33 sample_1.fastq.gz sample_2.fastq.gz LEADING:5 SLIDINGWINDOW:5:20 MINLEN:20 -baseout  sample_trim.fastq.gz
bwa mem -t 4 -R "@RG\tID:hbv\tPL:illumina\tSM:hbv" hbv.fasta sample_trim_1P.fastq.gz   sample_trim_1P.fastq.gz \
            | samtools view -bS - > sample.hbv.bam
samtools view -bF 4 sample.hbv.bam | samtools fastq -1 sample.hbvmap.r1.fq -2 sample.hbvmap.r2.fq -s sample_single.fq -
bwa mem -t 2 -R "@RG\tID:human\tPL:illumina\tSM:human" GRCh37_latest_genomic.fna sample.hbvmap.r1.fq sample.hbvmap.r2.fq >sample.hbvhuman.sam
python data_process/ sample.hbvhuman.sam sample.fil.sam 
samtools view -bS sample.fil.sam | samtools sort -o samplefil_sort.bam -
samtools index samplefil_sort.bam

The output file (samplefile_sort.bam) contains preprocessed data that can be directly used for integration site detection. Furthermore, the aforementioned data preprocessing steps can be scripted into a shell script for batch processing.


Quick Start

python ViroISDC/ \
--task_name=hbv \
--do_predict=true \
--vocab_file= VirolSDC/config/word2index.txt \
--bert_config_file= VirolSDC/config/bert_config.json \
--init_checkpoint=/home/HBV/maxpooltest/class_output/model.ckpt-68000 \
--region_path= VirolSDC/file/region.csv \
--fasta_path=/home/hbv/ref/GRCh38/GRCh37_latest_genomic.fna \
--bam_path=samplefil_sort.bam \
--threads=30 \
--filter_depth=5 \

The results of the tool will be generated in the VirolSDC/result/ directory, where the integrations.csv file contains the integration sites of the samples. If further filtering is required, you can use the data_process/ for filtering. The usage is as follows:

python data_process/ -op VirolSDC/result/integrations.csv -sp VirolSDC/result/integrations_filter.csv

The integrations_filter.csv contains the filtered results.

Example is an example script for data preprocessing. is an example script for running the integration site detection tool.


This is an HBV integration site detection tool.






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