- A simple encapsulation of PageView.
GitHub:QianChia | Blog:QianChia(Chinese)
pod 'QPageView'
- Drag all source files under floder
to your project. - Import the main header file:
#import "QPageView.h"
PageView methods
// 创建分页视图控件方式 QPageView *pageView = [[QPageView alloc] init]; QPageView *pageView = [[QPageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 20, 300, 150)]; QPageView *pageView = [QPageView q_pageView]; QPageView *pageView = [QPageView q_pageViewWithImageNames:@[@"img_00", @"img_01", @"img_02"] autoScroll:YES autoScrollTime:2.0 pageIndicatorPosition:Right];
// 创建分页视图控件 QPageView *pageView = [QPageView q_pageView]; pageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, self.view.bounds.size.width / 2); // 设置显示的图片 pageView.imageNames = @[@"img_00", @"img_01", @"img_02", @"img_03", @"img_04"]; // 设置页码视图的颜色 pageView.currentPageIndicatorColor = [UIColor redColor]; pageView.pageIndicatorColor = [UIColor greenColor]; // 设置页码视图的位置 pageView.pageIndicatorPosition = Right; // 设置是否隐藏页码视图 pageView.hidePageIndicator = NO; // 设置滚动方向 pageView.scrollDirectionPortrait = YES;
// 设置显示的图片 NSArray *imageNameArr = @[@"img_00", @"img_01", @"img_02", @"img_03", @"img_04"]; // 创建分页视图控件 QPageView *pageView = [QPageView q_pageViewWithImageNames:imageNameArr autoScroll:YES autoScrollTime:1.0 pageIndicatorPosition:Center]; pageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, self.view.bounds.size.width / 2);