A OCR application for chess boards
The goal of this application is to read an image, detect the chess boards in it and export them using the FEN notation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth–Edwards_Notation).
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python src/main.py <filename>
- Read Image from file
- Convert image to grayscale.
- Convert to black and white taking into account average image brightness.
- Find contours using cv2.findContours
- Filter irrelevant contours:
- Area either too small or too large.
- Ratio height/width not close to 1.
- Draw each contour in an individual black buffer.
- Find lines by using the standard Hough transform. This is done,
iteratively, progressively decreasing the accumulator threshold
parameter until there exactly 2 horizontal lines and 2 vertical
lines (with some degree of freedom).
- Lines that are too close to each other are ignored
- Calculate the perspective correction transformation using the 4 points of intersection.
- Apply the transformation to a copy of the original image and crop it to size.
Using OpenCV to detect grids
Find lines by using the standard Hough transform. This is done, iteratively, progressively decreasing the accumulator threshold parameter until there are at least 8 horizontal lines and 8 vertical lines. Lines that are too close to each other are ignored
Calculate the line intersections