A small Python Stock Calculator for a more efficient Stock Picking Experience
Follow the Instruction given in the Terminal.
Attention: Please don't input any Symbols (like %)!
The Calculator has following options:
- Earnings per Share (EPS) Data from the Past
- Assumption of Future Interest (%) for Earnings per Share (EPS)
- Assumption of Future Interest for Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)
- Average Interest from the Past
- EPS in 10 Years
- Price per Share (PPS) in 10 Years
- Fair Price per Share (Present) - Calculated with 12% Interest/Year
- Save Calculation into file
If you are using a Linux machine you can easily make this script executable.
Include following code in the first line of the stocky.py script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Then make the stocky.py script executable with following command in the terminal:
chmod +x stocky.py
After that you can simply add a shortcut on your desktop or start it with:
- Comparison of different Stocks
- Best-, Worst- and Normal Case Output