Virtual Machine made in Rust.
; This is a comment
label main: ; Heart of our program. This where code execution begins.
mov rax, 10 ; Move into register rax the value of 10. Theres 4 user available registers
; and one program only register.
mov rbx, 20
add rax, rbx ; Add register rax and rbx and store the value into rax
; Other math operations like sub, mul, div and mod also exist
push rax ; Push onto the stack
pop rcx ; Pop into rcx
cmp rcx rax ; Compare. This sets flags based on the result
je Equal ; Jump if equal to label Equal
halt ; Halts the program (optional). If this is missing then the program
; executes the next label
label Equal:
display rcx ; Display the numeric value of rcx
Count to 10:
label main:
mov rax, 0 ; Inital value
mov rbx, 10 ; Final value
jmp loop
label loop:
display rax
cmp rax rbx
add rax, 1
jne loop
jl loop ; Jump if less
Look into examples
for more examples.
Note: make sure to run in the directory of the file you want to run. In other words, run the program in the examples
folder to test them out. This issue will be fixed in the future.
bytecode <file-name>.basm