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Querz edited this page Dec 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

The UI language of the MCA Selector can be dynamically changed in the settings. The following languages are available:

  • English (UK)
  • German (Germany)
  • Chinese (China) (thanks to @LovesAsuna for translating)
  • Chinese (Taiwan) (thanks to @hugoalh for translating)
  • Czech (Czech Republic) (thanks to @mkyral for translating)
  • Spanish (Spain) (thanks to @NathanielFreeman for translating)
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (thanks to @cr1st0ph3r for translating)
  • Portuguese (Portugal) (thanks to @D3W10 for translating)
  • French (France) (thanks to @SkytAsul and @DoctaEnkoda for translating)
  • Swedish (Sweden) (thanks to @TechnicProblem for translating)
  • Russian (Russia) (thanks to @Quarktal for translating)
  • Dutch (Netherlands) (thanks to @Clijmart for translating)
  • Italian (Italy) (thanks to @valeilsimpaticone for translating)
  • Polish (Poland) (thanks to @Marcinolak for translating)
  • Japanese (Japan) (thanks to @Uguisu64J for translating)
  • Turkish (Turkey) (thanks to @EReaXe for translating)
  • Korean (Korea) (thanks to @Saebyul1221 for translating)

If you would like to contribute a translation, you can find the language files in resources/lang/. The files are automatically detected and shown as the respective language option in the settings dropdown menu once they are placed in this folder.

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