This is a personal 'social network' - a place where you can share your life experiences with your closest people. It is completely hosted and owned by you, without advertising, privacy leaks or manipulation by advertisers or platform.
In short it is your Life and yours only.
This software is
- PRIVATE - no public posts are supported (but you are still trusting your cloud provider)
- NOT SCALABLE - it's not about increasing engagement or having as many friends as possible
npm install
cd ui
cd api
## python environment
Since the lambda runtime is py3.6, we need to install that version locally. One way to do that
is using nix. In a shell.nix
file we require the attribute nixpkgs.python36Full
and then
create a venv from that
python -m venv env36
. env36/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To build the zip, use this:
npm pack
Manually built zip cannot be used because files should have read for all permissions.
After upgrading to Nodejs12 runtime, a layer with imagemagick binaries needs to be added. The
one pre-built by the aws-lambda-image
authors works.