This is a very simple and lightweight INI-File parser written in C/C++. The compiled libary and the sourcecode can be found at /src/FRM_INI_PARSER_LIB/.
If you want to build the libary for an other OS a CMake-File is included at /src/FRM_INI_PARSER_LIB/CMakeLists.txt
Just include the header with #include "ini_parser.hpp"
located at /src/FRM_INI_PARSER_LIB/ini_parser.hpp
and link the libary libFRM_INI_PARSER.a located at /src/FRM_INI_PARSER_LIB/Build/Products/Debug/libFRM_INI_PARSER.a.
Copy the source files :
- /src/FRM_INI_PARSER_LIB/ini_parser.hpp
- /src/FRM_INI_PARSER_LIB/ini_parser.cpp
To your working direcotry and include the ini_parser.hpp.
- compile with -std=c++11 flag
- if you are using Windows line termination charakters
please define _WIN32,_WIN64,WIN or FRM_WIN - if you want to use the std::map for faster access please define INI_PARSER_USE_STD_MAP otherwise a standard array will used
A sample project of using this INI-Parser can be found at /src/FRM_INI_PARSER_TEST/.
#include "frm_ini_parser.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void test(){
FRM::ini_parser* parser = new FRM::ini_parser();
std::string* test =parser->get_value("window", "window_title");
std::string* test1 =parser->get_value("directories", "asset_dir");
delete parser;
parser = nullptr;