Arduino based binary clock with hours and minutes display, nightmode and alarm. It uses a Arsuino Nano and the WS2812 Leds,to show the time in a binary format. The time, alarm time and nightmode time, can be set by the 4 switches on the back of the clock. With the top button, you can change the color and stop the ringing alarm. In my version of the clock, it comes with a 10x10x10cm acryl plasic case.
- WS2813 led strip with 16 leds
- Any Arduino based board, but use a small one for a small case
- I2C RTC module (i use the DS3231 or you can use the DS1307)
- 5V Power supply or you power it with usb
- 5 Pushbuttons
- mini speaker
- 5 320 Ohm Pull-UP-Resistors
- Solder equipment
- Knife
- Arcyl Glue
- Hotglue
- Wires
- Drill 6mm (depend on your button size)
- Dill 3mm (for the power cable-9
- 1 90x100x3mm LED PLATE
- 2 106x106x3mm at 75% transparency, FRONT PLATE
- 2 100x100x3mm LEDT/RIGHT PLATE
- 2 106x106x3mm TOP/BOTTOM PLATE
- Download the sketch, lpcated on /CODE/
- Download the latest Arduino IDE
- Download the Adafruit-Neopixel libary
- Cut the ES2812 into 4 strips with 4 leds each
- Glue the 4 strips parallel to each other in the center of the LED PLATE
- Connect to the DI,VCC,GND pins of the right led strip 3x 5cm Wires (for the connection to the arduino)
- Now connect from right to left, DOUT to DI og the next left led strip
- at least connect to all strips, VCC and Gound
- Connect the VCC and Ground of the RTC Module to Arduino
- Connect the I2C pins to the Arduino. SCL(RTC) to A5 (SCL,ARDUINO) and SDA(RTC) to A4(SDA,Arduino)
- Connect VCC, Ground from the led strips to the Arduino
- Connect the DI of the led strips to D7 of the Arduino
- Connect on pin of the mini speaker to ground and the other to pin D13 of the Aduino
- Solder on each Button 3 Wires, on one pin two wires and on the other only one wire
- Connect the single wire of each button to Ground
- Solder of one of the two wires the pullup resistor and connect these to VCC(5V)
- Connect the last wire of each button to : D6 (sone alarm), D5(set alarm), D4 (set time), D2(add), D3(sub)
Now we are finih with the soldering, now we are building the case
- Drill to the BACK PLATE 4 holes for the switches: SET_ALARM, SET_TIME, ADD, SUB
- Drill a hole to the center of the TOP PLATE for the SONE switch
- Drill a second hole into the TOP PLATE for the speaker
- Drill a small hole into one of the bottom corners of the BACK PLATE for the power cable
- Place the switches at the right holes
- Glue the speaker next to the second hole of the TOP PLATE
- Glue the LED PLATE to the FRONT PLATE
- Glue the Arduino and the RTC Module to the back of the LED PLATE
- Assemble the other Plate around the bottom plate to get a cube
Now your clock is ready to use!! Have FUN!
I am currently working on a pcb for the clock. The KICAT file can be found at src/bin_clock_kicad/
Deatiled images of the build process, can be found at the /IMAGES folder
![Gopher image](BILDER/Foto 12.11.14 22 25 32.jpg)
![Gopher image](BILDER/Foto 11.11.14 00 32 51.jpg)
![Gopher image](BILDER/Foto 10.11.14 13 44 19.jpg)