Twiggy is not just a simple implementation of Twig template engine for CodeIgniter. It supports themes, layouts, templates for regular apps and also for apps that use HMVC (module support). It is supposed to make life easier for developing and maitaining CodeIgniter applications where themes and nicely structured templates are necessary.
Twig by itself is a very powerful and flexible templating system but with CodeIgniter it is even cooler! With Twiggy you can separately set the theme, layout and template for each page. What is even more interesting, this does not replace CodeIgniter's default Views, so you can still load views as such: $this->load->view()
This is project is a fork from: edmundask/codeigniter-twiggy. With changes from me (REJack) and carloscarcamo This fork is aimed to add additional functions to the original project which is no longer actively maintained by the original author.