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1006 lines (640 loc) · 32.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1006 lines (640 loc) · 32.5 KB

Change Log

Latest updates

You can check all of our changes from Release Page

  • Upgrade dependencies


  • Substitute variables in r.rpath and r.rterm settings. (#1444)
  • Improve code chunk handling in base .R files. (#1454, thanks @kylebutts)


  • Fix multiline smart-knit (#1493)
  • Fix RMD Progress Bar (#1491)
  • Remove . as an R language editor.wordSeparators (#1503, thanks @opasche)
  • numeric_version() wants character as of R 4.4 (#1520, #1523, thanks @jennybc and @pawelru)
  • Handle terminals created by vscode-Python (#1511, thanks @tomasnobrega)


  • Update built-in function match regex. (#1431, thanks @MichaelChirico)
  • Add r.useRenvLibPath setting to opt in adding renv package cache to .libPaths when R processes (language server, help server, etc.) start up. (#1423, thanks @nateybear)
  • Add a VScode task to run `testthat::test_file()`` on the currently open file. (#1415, thanks @gowerc)
  • r.rterm.* settings now accept paths relative to the current workspace folder to support customized commands to create R terminals. (#1398, thanks @Tal500)
  • Upgrade ag-grid-community to v30.2.0 (#1434)
  • Upgrade vscode-languageclient to v9.0.1 (#1435)


  • A new setting r.lsp.multiServer is added. If disabled, only a single language server will be spawned from the first workspace folder to handle all requests from all workspaces and files. (#1375)
  • Upgrade ag-grid-community to v30.0.0 (#1379)


  • Fix handling = 0. (#1364)
  • Fix help panel in remote host. (#1374)
  • Fix missing package names in "Install CRAN Package". (#1377)

New Features:

  • A new experimental setting r.session.useWebServer is added to support communicating with R session via a web server running in R. This requires R package httpuv to be installed. Currently, it enhances the session symbol completion when accessing R object via $ and @. This feature is experimental and may be subject to change in the future. (#1151)
  • A new setting r.rmarkdown.preview.zoom is added to support the default zoom level or R markdown preview. (#1333)


  • Improve message when error occurs on loading R packages. (#1334, thanks to @csaybar)
  • Upgrade ag-grid-community to v29.3.0 (#1346)


  • Commands that are not intended in the command pallete are now hidden. (#1327, #1330)


  • Upgrade vscode-languageclient to 8.1.0 (#1315)
  • Workspace viewer will be cleaned-up when the attached R session exits. (#1318, #1321)
  • A new command r.view is added to view selected objects. (#1319, thanks @yeyun1999)
  • Workspace viewer commands that require an attached R session are now disabled when no R session is attached. (#1323)


  • Workspace viewer now has a fallback message instead of causing error if session watcher is disabled. (#1317)

New Features:

  • A new setting r.source.echo is added to support sending source(file, echo = TRUE) by default. (#1286, thanks @jakub-jedrusiak)
  • A new setting r.removeLeadingComments is added to remove leading comments when sending code to terminal. (#1245, thanks @gowerc)


  • Help page previews from .Rd files are now generated asynchronously. (#1273)
  • Column name is also displayed in the column tooltip in a data viewer. (#1278, thanks @eitsupi)
  • Upgrade ag-grid-community to v29.0.0 (#1290)


  • Fixed broken tests (#1302)

New Features:

  • New syntax highlighting support for NAMESPACE and .Rbuildignore. (#1221, thanks @nx10)
  • Support help preview in package development. (#1259, #1266)


  • The extension is re-published to Open VSX Registry. (open-vsx#591).
  • The WebView panel now supports htmlwidgets using Web Workers. (#1261, thanks @anthonynorth)
  • Code block detection now includes parentheses, which is more consistent with RStudio behavior. (#1269)


  • View() no longer stops with tibble() that contains objects that do not implement asJSON() method. (#1255)
  • Fixed the regex for detecting problems reported by testthat from tasks. (#1257, thans @gowerc)
  • Fixed syntax highlighting in help preview under R 4.2.x. (#1268)


  • A new setting r.plot.devArgs is added to allow customizing png device arguments (e.g. width and height) for the PNG plot viewer. (#1235)


  • Fixed opening requested file externally when viewer is disabled. (#1209)
  • Support trailing slash in code-server's URI template. (#1241)

New Features:

  • A new command "R: Generate C/C++ Configuration" is added to support auto-generating c_cpp_properties.json in an R package with C/C++ code for C/C++ Extension to provide IntelliSense. (#1205, thanks @nx10)


  • Support showing KeTeX formula in help viewer. (#1213)


  • Fixed empty line at the end of help pages as clickable example. (#1194)
  • Avoid code highlighting in DESCRIPTION files in help viewer as code examples. (#1199)
  • Saving a rmd file no longer triggers the preview to refresh if it is still rendering. (#1219)


  • Reload help pages on refresh. (#1188)
  • Upgrade to vscode-languageclient 8.0.2. (#1173)


  • Remove encoding from knitting so that renderers that do not have an encoding parameter (e.g. quarto::quarto_render()) now work properly. (#1167)

New Features:

  • R help viewer now highlights code sections on hover and user can click the code to copy it to the clipboard, or press ctrl+click (Windows and Linux) or cmd+click (macOS) to send it to R terminal by default. A new setting r.helpPanel.clickCodeExamples is added to allow customizing the click behavior. (#1138)
  • A new command Create .lintr is added. (#1112)


  • R and Rmd files are added to Create: New File. (#1119)
  • Improved data viewer column resizing. (#1121)


  • Hide environment values in R Markdown preview to prevent accidental deletion (#1117)
  • Opening and closing a list item in the workspace viewer treeview now works properly. (#1150)


  • vscode-R has been transferred to REditorSupport as the publisher in the VS Code Marketplace. The unique identifier has been updated to REditorSupport.r. (#690)
  • R in Visual Studio Code topic is added to the VS Code documentation.

New Features:

  • A new setting r.libPaths is added to support additional library paths to be appended to .libPaths() when R background processes (R language server and help server) are launched. It could be useful for projects with renv enabled where required packages (e.g. languageserver and jsonlite) to use vscode-R are only installed in other location. For more details, checkout the wiki. (#1071, #1097, #1098)


  • The R package build task is separated into Build and Build Binary tasks. (#1029, thanks @Yunuuuu)
  • Hide smart knit environment variables to prevent accidental deletion. (#1060)
  • A new setting is added to support adjusting the page size of the data viewer. The default is now 500. (#1068)
  • The check for languageserver package installation is improved and the prompt could be disabled. (#1071)
  • The R Markdown code chunk snippet supports language choice. (#1082, thanks @jooyoungseo)
  • It will prompt instead of showing empty choice when no R Markdown templates are found. (#1089)


  • Guard against evaluation of active bindings in the global environment. (#1038)
  • The http prefix is unnecessary and removed from several code snippets. (#1084, #1085, thanks @jooyoungseo)
  • R Markdown knit and preview scripts now use loadNamespace() instead of requireNamespace() to fail early if necessary packages are unavailable. (#1086)

New Features:

  • Added "R Markdown: New Draft" command to choose a template for a new R Markdown document. (#984)
  • Added Attached Namespaces and Loaded Namespaces to the workspace viewer. (#1022)


  • spawn is consistently used to run R scripts and commands. (#985)
  • Added a problemMatcher for testthat output from Test task. (#989, thanks @gowerc)
  • Code chunk snippets now preserve selected text. (#1001)
  • Added more useful Shiny and R Markdown snippets. (#1009, #1012, thanks @jooyoungseo).
  • Provides optional code argument to r.runSelection command for other extensions to execute interactive R code. (#1017, thanks @jjallaire)
  • Supports lambda function declaration in syntax higlighting. (#1025)


  • Fixed code detection with mixed quotes. (#988, thanks @gowerc)
  • Fixed syntax highlighting for variables starting with function. (#992, thanks @gowerc)
  • Fixed R task definition and resolveTask. (#994)
  • Fixed auto port forwarding for httpgd plot viewer in LiveShare session. (#1026)


  • Fixes languageserver detection failure on Windows by avoiding rpath quoting. (#981)


  • After v2.3.4, httpgd plot viewer requires httpgd 1.2.0 or later. If the plot viewer shows 404 error, installing the latest release of httpgd should resolve the problem. (#972)


  • Data viewer supports Apache Arrow Table and setting is added to limit the number of rows to show. (#945, thanks @eitsupi)
  • R gitignore file is updated and "R: Create gitignore" also supports multi-root workspace. (#949, thanks @eitsupi).
  • Httpgd plot viewer has a delay before refreshing to avoid redrawing too often. (#956)
  • Shell commands used in tasks use strong quoting. (#964, thanks @shrektan)
  • User will be prompted to install languageserver if the package is missing. (#965, @shrektan)
  • DCF syntax is updated to support syntax highlighting of .lintr. (#970, thanks @eitsupi)
  • Column headers show the class and type of each column in tooltips. (#974, thanks @eitsupi)
  • Extension is activated if the workspace folder contains *.{rproj,Rproj,r,R,rd,Rd,rmd,Rmd} at any level of sub-folders. (#979)


  • Fix typo in command line arguments. (#954, thanks @achey2016)
  • R Markdown commenting uses HTML-style comments outside code blocks. (#958)
  • R Markdown rendering process gets LANG environment variable to properly handle unicode characters. (#961, thanks @shrektan)


  • Added raw string syntax. (#922)
  • Added support for both single and double brackets in code-server's URI template. (#934, thanks @benz0li)


  • Fixed syntax highlighting so that variables and function parameters are highlighted more consistently. (#939)
  • R processes are now properly terminated on extension deactivation. (#941, thanks @albertosantini and @Yunuuuu)


  • Added devtools tasks to command palette. (#880, thanks @alex-gable)
  • Improved help pages readability. (#915, thanks @18kimn)


  • Fixed R Markdown knit and preview without opening a workspace folder. (#914)
  • Fixed DESCRIPTION syntax highlighting for Authors@R field. (#920)
  • Fixed an issue about leaking child processes. All spawned child processes (e.g. help server, language server, R Markdown preview) are cleaned up on exit. (#918)



  • Fixed a Uri handling bug in Windows. (#888)
  • Fixed a bug in restarting help server when library has changed. (#893)


  • The information of attached R session now appears in the label and the tooltip of the status bar item. (#836)
  • A new setting r.rmarkdown.knit.command is added to support customized knit command if not specified in the document. (#841, #850, thanks @xoolive)
  • A terminal profile for R is added via the new terminal API. (#851)
  • The help topics are now automatically updated when R packages are installed, removed, or upgraded. (#863)


  • Fixed the problem with PowerShell on Windows when installing packages. (#846)
  • Fixed the handling of single quote in roxygen comments and the roxygen block is now automatically exited after two empty lines. (#847)
  • Backtick is added to the list of quote characters for syntax highlighting. (#859, thanks @jan-imbi)
  • Fixed detecting the YAML frontmatter in R Markdown documents. (#856)
  • Fixed attaching an R session with an open httpgd device that also triggers the plot viewer. (#852)
  • Fixed the chunk coloring in R Markdown preview. (#867)
  • Fixed the delimiter used in the output of the background knit process. (#868)


  • .vsc.browser() now handles file:// urls. (#817)
  • r.session.levelOfObjectDetail gains a Normal value for the session watcher to write only first level structure of global objects for performance. (#815)
  • Session watcher now supports workspace folder as symlinks. (#827)


  • Httpgd plot viewer respects the view column specified by r.session.viewers.viewColumn.plot setting (#816)
  • View is completed replaced so that tibble::view() could trigger data viewer (#818)
  • Help cache is disabled between sessions (#819)


  • Proxied requests are now supported to work with code-server. (#275, #803)


  • unsafe-eval is re-enabled in WebView Content Security Policy to make htmlwidgets such as plotly work. (#805)
  • The help viewer now respects r.session.viewers.viewColumn.helpPanel. (#804)
  • The working directory of the knit background process is now consistent with the knit working directory so that .Rprofile and renv setup are respected. (#807)


  • R Markdown preview now supports background rendering with progress bar, customizable working directory, and smart knit button. (#765)
  • {rstudioapi} emulation is enabled by default. (#769)
  • A new setting r.session.objectLengthLimit is added to limit the output of the names of global objects with many named elements which might cause significant delay after inputs. (#778)
  • NA and Inf could now be correctly displayed in the data viewer. (#780)
  • User-specified R Markdown output format is now respected. (#785)


  • The security policy of WebView is relaxed to support {flextable} widgets. (#771)
  • The R Markdown background rendering process could be properly terminated now. (#773)

New Features

  • VS Code settings are now accessible from R and all vscode-specifc R options (vsc.*) now have corresponding VS Code settings. (#743)


  • Check conflict extension mikhail-arkhipov.r on activation. (#733)
  • Add icons to WebViews. (#759)


  • Fix date filter in data viewer. (#736)
  • Fix htmlwidget resource path in WebView. (#739)
  • Use .DollarNames with default pattern. (#750)
  • Fix syntax highlighting for c() in function args. (#751)
  • Handle error in capture_str(). (#756)

Important changes

  • The project is migrated to REditorSupport organization on GitHub. (#98)
  • The R language service (completion, document outline, definition, etc., formerly implemented in vscode-r-lsp) is now integrated into vscode-R (#695). The vscode-r-lsp extension will be unpublished from the VS Code marketplace at some point.
    • Search r-lsp extension, uninstall it and vscode-R will start the R langauge service automatically.
    • The language service still depends on the R package languageserver. Make sure the package is installed before using vscode-R.
    • To opt-out the language service, set "r.lsp.enabled": false in your user settings.
  • R session watcher is now enabled by default. (#670)
    • r.previewDataframe and r.previewEnvironment will use the session watcher if enabled.
    • To opt-out, set "r.sessionWatcher": false in your user settings.

New Features

  • Preview R Markdown documents via background process with auto-refresh and dark theme support. (#692, #699)


  • Several enhancements of the workspace viewer. (#672)
  • The plot viewer now supports customizable CSS file via r.plot.customStyleOverwrites and r.plot.togglePreviewPlots now cycles through mutlirow/scroll/hidden. (#678, #681)
  • The data viewer is now based on ag-grid with better performance and better support for filtering and dark theme. (#708)
    • The data viewer might not work with existing R sessions started before the extension update. A restart of sessions is needed to use the new data viewer.
  • Command r.showPlotHistory is removed in favor of the httpgd-based plot viewer. (#706)
  • The plot viewer now supports full window mode. (#709)


  • LiveShare API bug fix and enhancements. (#679)
  • Fix syntax highlighting of integers in scientific notation. (#683)


  • Thank you for join new collaborator: Elian H. Thiele-Evans(@ElianHugh)

  • Use .DollarNames for object with class in completion #660

  • Update R syntax #647
  • Fix replacing #625

Thank you for your contributions.

  • @jolars
    • Don't run chunks with eval = FALSE #653 (Fix #651)
  • @nx10
    • Integrate httpgd #620


  • Clarify error messages
  • Being more conservative to call object.size() in task callback
  • Send code to debug repl
  • shim the rstudioapi if it has already been loaded

Thank you for your contributions.

  • @krlmlr
    • Update vscode engine #586
    • Satisfy markdownlint #587
  • @danielbasso
    • Initial Workspace Viewer str() functionality #583


  • Add links to help pages in hover #578
  • Move r.runSource and r.knitRmd to editor/title/run #573 (Fix #572)
  • Fix so code can be run after creating terminal #567
  • Add option to keep terminal hidden after running code #566
  • Scroll to bottom after running a command #559 (Thank you @samkimhis)
  • Refactoring and implementation of webviewPanelSerializer #556
  • add option vsc.hover.str.max.level #545
  • Change workspace tooltip #544 (Thank you @ElianHugh)


  • Better error message when reading aliases (#518)
  • Keep promises and active bindings in globalenv (#521)
  • Refactor extension.ts (#525)
  • Write aliases to file (#526)
  • add sendToConsole to rstudioapi emulation (#535)
  • Add function to open help for selected text (#531)
  • Add initial pipeline completion support (#530)
  • Add updatePackage command (#532)
  • Add option to preserve focus when opening help view (#541)


  • Add browser WebView command buttons #494
  • Enable find widget in WebViews #490
  • Disable alwaysShow for addin items #491
  • Only show R menu items in R view #493
  • Modify pre-release action #492 (Fix #484)
  • Improve release action #505 (Fix #503)
  • Improve help view #502 (Follow up to #497)

Thank you for contributors works 1.6.3

  • @ElianHugh
    • Implement R workspace viewer #476 (Fix #416)
    • Conditionally show view #487
  • @tdeenes: Find in topic (help panel) #488 (Fix #463)
  • @jsta: typo fix #500


  • Improve style of help pages #481

    • All help pages: center headings
    • Normal functino help pages: hide (rather useless) header bar
    • All help pages: hide image placeholders
    • Manuel Pages: hide page-internal links
    • Manual Pages: suppress mismatching header styles embedded in the html
  • Reorganize helppanel, add ? function #477

  • Modify config #467

  • Fix bug that would leave background R processes running #475

  • Fix whole of style (Extends #361) (#474)

Thank you for contributors works 1.6.2

  • @markbaas: Fix The Ctrl+Enter shortcut does not work properly when a non-comment line in a function definition contains the "#" character. #462 (Fix #443)
  • @kar9222:
    • Update README #480 (Fix #465)
    • RMarkdown: Add run & navigation commands. More customization. Refactor. #465


This version includes minor fix to stable new functions

  • Add GitHub Action for release #449

  • Highlight all chunks #453

  • Fix checking workspaceFolders in rHelpProviderOptions #456

  • Fix typo in help panel path config #457

  • @kar9222 Thank you for contribution

    • Update README: Add options(vsc.helpPanel = ...) #461
    • Rmd fenced block syntax highlighting for julia, python, etc #460
  • New feature r.runFromLineToEnd #448 (Thank you @Dave-cruzz)


  • Integrate help view from vscode-R-help #433 (Implemented by the new collabolator @ManuelHentschel)
  • Add terminal information to chooseTerminal error #447
  • Send code at EOF appends new line #444
  • Friendly error message when trying to launch addin picker and vsc.rstudioapi = FALSE #441
  • platform independent content string splitting #436
  • Add runAboveChunks command #434


  • Enhance R markdown support #429 (Fix #428, #49, #261)
  • Fix and enhance navigateToFile #430
  • Improve handling html help #427 (Fix #426, #380)


  • Rename init functions #425 (Fix #424)
  • Fix issues in rstudioapi emulation #422 (Fix #421)


  • RStudio Addin Support #408 (Implemented by the new collabolator @MilesMcBain)

  • Recommend radian in README #420


  • Remove Run in Active Terminal from README #413 (Fix #412)
  • Remove command Run Selection/Line in Active Terminal #409 (Fix #306)
  • Check url in browser #406 (Fix #371)


  • Remove shortcuts Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 #401 (Fix #368)

    These conflicted with default Visual Studio Code keyboard shortcuts. If you would like to restore them, see the instructions in the Wiki.

  • Restore R_PROFILE_USER #392 (Fix #391)

  • Fix so rTerm is undefined when deleting terminal #403 (Fix #402)


  • Fix vulnerability issues


  • New R options and functions to control session watcher behavior #359

    To work with existing self-managed, persistent R sessions as the extension is upgraded, source the init.R again before attaching.

    source(file.path(Sys.getenv(if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "USERPROFILE" else "HOME"), ".vscode-R", "init.R"))
  • Remove single quote from doesLineEndInOperator #357 (Fix #356)


  • Fix View empty environment #350 (Fix #349)
  • Change runSelectionInActiveTerm effect to warning #351
  • Improve getBrowserHtml #353
  • Use instead of vscode.FileSystemWatcher #348 (Fix #347, #352, #236, #179, #272, #330)


Feature improvement

  • Add syntax highlight for DESCRIPTION and .Rproj #342 (Thank you @qinwf)
  • A lot of works (Thank you @gowerc)
    • Enable default R location to be used on mac/linux if none is supplied #340
    • Added functionality to switch to an existing R terminal #338
    • Expose send text delay as a parameter #336
    • Supress auto-opening quote in roxygen comment #328
  • Add r.runSelectionRetainCursor #325

Project engineering

  • Convert language files to Json #333 (Thank you @gowerc)
  • Define lint in package.json and use it in GitHub Actions #344


  • Change so setting changes take effect immediately (Fix #301)
  • Fix package volunerability
  • Improve .Rprofile
  • Remove --no-site-file from default r.rterm.option


  • Use eslint in GitHub Actions
  • Add R Markdown surround and frontmatter comments (Fix #260)


  • Add new wiki page !
  • Use Windows registry to find R path
  • Fix handling grouped_df in dataview_table
  • Use GitHub Actions for linting


  • Fix showWebView


  • Check untitled document and save result before running command


  • Add configurable command runner functions (Thank you @MilesMCBain)
  • Change .Platform$GUI to vscode on session start
  • Fixed the function snippet (Fixed #230) (Thank you @stanmart)
  • Add statement of languageserver features to bug report template (Fixed #210)
  • Inject R Markdown features into Markdown grammar (Fixed #220, #116, #48, #36)


  • Fixed the function snippet (Fixed #230) (Thank you @stanmart)
  • Update activationEvents
  • Add more logging to session watcher
  • Avoid duplicate handling of response update
  • Add syntax highlighting for R code in Rcpp comment #225


  • View improvement (Thank you @renkun-ken)
    • Fix dataview_table handling single row data
    • Show WebView triggered by page_viewer in Active column
    • Fix WebView Uri replacing
    • Add row hover and select
    • Improve session watcher initialization
    • Use dev.args option when creating png device before replay
    • Show plot history


  • Extend View (Thank you @renkun-ken)
  • Fix session watcher init.R path on Windows (Fixed #176)


  • R session watcher (Thank you @renkun-ken). Usage is written on the
    • Attach Active Terminal (by command or clicking status bar item)
    • Auto attach on R session startup: if init.R is sourced in .Rprofile, starting an R session will notify vscode-R to automatically attach to it.
    • Provide hover to global symbol in attached session
    • Show plot file on the fly
    • Show WebView to present htmlwidgets and shiny apps
    • Show WebView for data.frame and list object when calling View()


  • Fix bracketed paste on Windows (fix #117)
  • Fix function call closing bracket highlight (Thank you @kiendang)


  • Use word under cursor for previewDataframe, nrow (fix #137)
  • Change license MIT -> AGPL-3.0


  • Fix behaviour when workplacefolders is Undefiend (Thank you @masterhands)
  • Show r.term.option value in settings UI
  • Refactoring


  • Replace deprecated function (Refactoring)
  • Add alwaysUseActiveTerminal setting (fix #123)


  • Fixed spelling, improved formatting #129 (Thank you @wleoncio)
  • Automatically comment new lines in roxygen sections (fix #124)
  • Fix send code for newlines on Windows (fix #114)
  • Add auto-completion of roxygen tags (fix #128)
  • Change cursorMove to wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter (fix 126)


  • RMarkdown knit support (fix #121) (Thank you @dominicwhite)


  • Fix send code for newlines and Radian #114 #117


  • Fix Preview Environment for variable x (fix #111) by @andycraig
  • Fix Preview Environment for multi-class objects (fix #111) by @andycraig
  • Fix danger package dependency


  • Fix for R markdown config
  • Fix for valunerability


  • Fix check for Excel Viewer extension


  • Add web pack for performance by @andycraig


  • Add runSelectionInActiveTerm command #104 (fix #80 #102) (Thank you @andycraig)


  • Shortcuts with R functions #101 (fix #100) (Thank you @MaTo04)


  • Fix Preview Dataframe command #67(fix #97) (Thank you @andycraig)


  • Remove excel dependency


  • Fix Dependency
  • Refactoring


  • Sorry, supporting this extension is ended. Please looking forward to coming new one (microsoft/RTVS#1295).


  • fix wordPattern to avoid .
  • fix run selection


  • Added detection of bracket and pipe blocks #82 (fix #26) (Thank you @andycraig)
  • Fix dependency


  • Remove lintr function. If you want to use lintr, please install R LSP Client


  • Fix for security dependencies


  • Fix Run Selected has strange behavior #42 (Thank you @Ladvien)


  • Disabled lintr for default setting that is already implemented by LSP
  • Fix Commented lines are not ignored when determining code blocks #61 (Thank you @Ladvien)


  • Fix some dependencies for perform and developments


  • Add package dev commands #58 (Thank you @jacob-long)


  • fix snippets
  • R term name to R interactive (fix #46)
  • Send code from Rmd chunk to terminal (fix #49)
  • Depend R language server extension


  • fix default r.rterm.option again to ["--no-save", "--no-restore", "--no-site-file"]


  • fix default r.rterm.option to ["--no-save", "--vanilla"]


  • Support code region by #region and #endregion


  • Support package lint


  • Add shebang support for R syntax highlight #33(Thank you @dongzhuoer)
  • Added block detection and execute whole block #32(Thank you @Ladvien)
  • Proposed fix for Load Chunk problems #27 #31(Thank you @Ladvien)
  • Update some snippets from VS


  • Fix Windows key map
  • Add some snippets from VS


  • Fix syntax
  • Fix Readme
  • Fix icon


  • Added Environment Viewer command


  • Fix syntax little
  • Set icon dark and light
  • Improve data viewer perform(Thank you @Lavien)
  • Remove extra package


  • Add Run Source icon


  • Added Data viewer Command(Thank you @Lavien)


  • Add Source with echo
  • Fix keybind


  • Add more shortcut key


  • Add shortcut key
  • Fix


  • Fix problem lintr was running other language's files


  • Improve Run Selection/Line (Thank you @Ladvien)
    • Added cursorMove after line execution #13
    • Don't pass Rterm comments #14


  • run lintr on did save automaticaly


  • fix Terminal #7


  • fix syntax


  • add "builtin function" from RBox


  • New syntax color from R Box
  • fix typo(Thank you @Shians) #12


  • fix Run Selection/Line only executes the first line of file when nothing was selected #9


  • update lintr behavar


  • fix lintr on Mac


  • add command R: Run Selection/Line


  • add setting r.source.focus #5


  • add setting
    • r.lintr.executable #2
    • r.rterm.option #2
    • r.source.encoding (Thank you @ondrejpialek) #4
  • save before R:Run Source command #5
  • update snippets


  • add Run Selected and Run Source command


  • fix for Windows


  • support lintr option cache and linters


  • support lintr on Mac and Linux


  • support lintr on Windows


  • use new icon


  • fix R term's perform


  • fix packages


  • Create .gitignore


  • Fix Run R perform


  • R Markdown Snippets as Markdown


  • Support R Markdown


  • R Integrated Terminal


  • Rdocumentation Snippets


  • R Snippets


  • Support R documentation


  • Initial release


  • Output Plot
  • Debug
  • Language Server
  • Intellisense